Fernanda Pratas

List of John Benjamins publications for which Fernanda Pratas plays a role.

Pratas, Fernanda 2021 Chapter 12. Temporal marking and (in)accessibility in CapeverdeanRomance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2018: Selected papers from 'Going Romance' 32, Utrecht, Drijkoningen, Frank, Sergio Baauw and Luisa Meroni (eds.), pp. 225–248 | Chapter
Recent descriptions have argued that what seem to be past tense markers in Capeverdean, a Portuguese-related language spoken in Cabo Verde, are instead allomorphs of a temporal agreement morpheme (Pratas 2018a). The rationale for this goes as follows. It is true that both -ba, from the variety… read more
Pratas, Fernanda 2018 Elements of denial in Capeverdean: The negator ka and the properties of n-wordsNegation and Negative Concord: The view from Creoles, Déprez, Viviane and Fabiola Henri (eds.), pp. 191–210 | Chapter
This paper aims at showing that Capeverdean, a Portuguese-based Creole, is a strict Negative Concord language. In fact, n-words (Laka 1990) like ningen ‘no.one’ and nada ‘nothing’ always co-occur with sentential negation, be they in preverbal or postverbal position. This means that they are… read more
We present an exploratory test on the production of null subjects by 13 monolinguals acquiring Capeverdean, 6 bilingual speakers of Capeverdean and European Portuguese with typical language development and 7 bilingual speakers with SLI features. Capeverdean does not allow null referential… read more
Costa, João, Ana Maria Martins and Fernanda Pratas 2012 VP Ellipsis: New evidence from CapeverdeanRomance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2010: Selected papers from 'Going Romance' Leiden 2010, Franco, Irene, Sara Lusini and Andrés Saab (eds.), pp. 155–176 | Article
Capeverdean, a Portuguese-based Creole language, displays an intriguing pattern of VP Ellipsis (VPE): VPE may occur in answers to yes/no questions but it is ruled out in coordination structures. This is unexpected, since both polar question/answer pairs and coordination structures are typical… read more
Pratas, Fernanda 2012 ‘I know the answer’: A Perfect State in CapeverdeanRomance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2010: Selected papers from 'Going Romance' Leiden 2010, Franco, Irene, Sara Lusini and Andrés Saab (eds.), pp. 65–86 | Article
In Capeverdean, there is a puzzling temporal reading for some occurrences of sabe ‘know’, as opposed to all eventive and some stative sentences: N sabe risposta has a present reading, ‘I know the answer’, whereas N kume pexe and N kridita na Nhor Des have past readings, ‘I ate the fish’ and ‘I… read more
Pratas, Fernanda 2010 States and temporal interpretation in CapeverdeanRomance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2008: Selected papers from 'Going Romance' Groningen 2008, Bok-Bennema, Reineke, Brigitte Kampers-Manhe and Bart Hollebrandse (eds.), pp. 215–232 | Article
One known puzzle in Creole systems is that temporal interpretation seems to be constrained by stativity (Bickerton 1974). For decades, the relevant division has been, roughly: bare stative verbs mean present, bare nonstatives mean past. In Capeverdean, a Portuguese-based Creole, we do indeed have:… read more
Fiéis, Alexandra and Fernanda Pratas 2007 6. Reflexivity in Capeverdean: Predicate properties and sentence structureSynchronic and Diachronic Perspectives on Contact Languages, Huber, Magnus and Viveka Velupillai (eds.), pp. 117–128 | Article
Castro, Ana and Fernanda Pratas 2006 Capeverdean DP-internal number agreement: Additional arguments for a distributed morphology approachStudies on Agreement, Costa, João and Maria Cristina Figueiredo Silva (eds.), pp. 11–24 | Article