Hilário de Sousa
List of John Benjamins publications for which Hilário de Sousa plays a role.
Some non-canonical switch reference systems and the fundamental functions of switch reference Switch Reference 2.0, Gijn, Rik van and Jeremy Hammond (eds.), pp. 55–92 | Article
2016 Switch reference [sr] is complex; doing a truly-comprehensive typology of sr is difficult due to the plethora of “non-core” functions that different sr systems have. Inspired by the difference in usage of the sr system by older and younger speakers in the Papuan language of Menggwa Dla (de Sousa… read more
Temperature terms in Lao, Southern Zhuang, Southern Pinghua and Cantonese The Linguistics of Temperature, Koptjevskaja-Tamm, Maria (ed.), pp. 594–638 | Article
2015 Lao, Southern Zhuang, Southern Pinghua and Cantonese are four languages spoken in Mainland Southeast Asia. The study of the temperature systems in these four languages – two from the Tai family and two from the Sinitic family – provides an interesting test case for the areal study of temperature… read more