Henk Pander Maat

List of John Benjamins publications for which Henk Pander Maat plays a role.


The discourse of news management

Edited by Geert Jacobs and Henk Pander Maat

Special issue of Pragmatics 18:1 (2008) ca. 125 pp.
Subjects Discourse studies | Pragmatics
Lentz, Leo, Henk Pander Maat and Daphne Dost 2014 An evidence-based template proposal for patient information leafletsInformation Design Journal 21:3, pp. 225–243 | Article
Dolk, Simone, Leo Lentz, Peter Knapp, Henk Pander Maat and Theo Raynor 2011 Headline section in patient information leaflets: Does it improve reading performance and perception?Information Design Journal 19:1, pp. 46–57 | Article
Jacobs, Geert, Henk Pander Maat and Tom Van Hout 2008 The discourse of news managementThe discourse of news management, Jacobs, Geert and Henk Pander Maat (eds.), pp. 1–8 | Article
Pander Maat, Henk 2008 Editing and genre conflict: How newspaper journalists clarify and neutralize press release copyThe discourse of news management, Jacobs, Geert and Henk Pander Maat (eds.), pp. 87–113 | Article
Although corporate press releases are ‘preformulated’ to fit some of the conventions of journalistic reports, their style at times seems quite different from the one favoured by journalists. That is, there appear to exist stylistic conflicts between the press release genre and the press report… read more
Lentz, Leo and Henk Pander Maat 2007 Reading aloud and the delay of feedback: Explanations for the effectiveness of reader protocolsDiscourse, Cognition and Communication, Sanders, Ted J.M. and Leo Lentz (eds.), pp. 266–281 | Article
An important objective of research in information design is the validation of methods that are available for the evaluation of public information. In this article three evaluation methods using verbal self-reports are compared: think aloud reader protocols, the plus-minus method and Focus (a… read more
Pander Maat, Henk 2003 Reference point concepts and document qualityDocument Design 4:1, pp. 2–16 | Article
Neutelings, Rob and Henk Pander Maat 2001 11. Trust but verify: Local suspensions of the cooperation principle in political communicationReading and Writing Public Documents, Janssen, Daniël and Rob Neutelings (eds.), pp. 233–254 | Chapter
Pander Maat, Henk 2001 Unstressed en /and as a marker of joint relevanceText Representation: Linguistic and psycholinguistic aspects, Sanders, Ted J.M., Joost Schilperoord and Wilbert Spooren (eds.), pp. 197–230 | Article