Kris Heylen

List of John Benjamins publications for which Kris Heylen plays a role.


Corpus Studies in Contrastive Linguistics

Edited by Stefania Marzo, Kris Heylen and Gert de Sutter

[Benjamins Current Topics, 43] 2012. v, 171 pp.
Subjects Comparative linguistics | Corpus linguistics

Corpus Studies in Contrastive Linguistics

Edited by Stefania Marzo, Kris Heylen and Gert de Sutter

Special issue of International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 15:2 (2010) v, 166 pp.
Subjects Computational & corpus linguistics
The present study aims to replicate Stæhr’s (2009) study on the relationship between vocabulary knowledge and listening comprehension. To explore the generalizability of Stæhr’s findings, two experiments were conducted. However, the study changed the population (Flemish learners) and proficiency… read more
The present study aims to replicate Stæhr’s (2009) study on the relationship between vocabulary knowledge and listening comprehension. To explore the generalizability of Stæhr’s findings, two experiments were conducted. However, the study changed the population (Flemish learners) and proficiency… read more
Heylen, Kris and Dirk De Hertog 2015 Automatic Term ExtractionHandbook of Terminology: Volume 1, Kockaert, Hendrik J. and Frieda Steurs (eds.), pp. 203–221 | Chapter

This chapter focuses on computational approaches to the automatic extraction of terms from domain specific corpora. The different subtasks of Automatic Term Extraction are presented in detail, including corpus compilation, unithood, termhood and variant detection, and system evaluation.

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Tummers, Jose, Dirk Speelman, Kris Heylen and Dirk Geeraerts 2015 Lectal constraining of lexical collocations: How a word’s company is influenced by the usage settingsConstructions and Frames 7:1, pp. 1–46 | Article
Adopting a corpus-based approach, lexical collocations are reconsidered from a lectal perspective. Analyzing adjective-noun collocations, it will be shown that lexical collocations are conditioned by the language settings in which they are used. These lectal constraints do not only apply to lexical… read more
Marzo, Stefania, Kris Heylen and Gert de Sutter 2012 Developments in Corpus-based Contrastive LinguisticsCorpus Studies in Contrastive Linguistics, Marzo, Stefania, Kris Heylen and Gert de Sutter (eds.), pp. 1–6 | Article
Marzo, Stefania, Kris Heylen and Gert de Sutter 2010 IntroductionCorpus Studies in Contrastive Linguistics, Marzo, Stefania, Kris Heylen and Gert de Sutter (eds.), pp. 151–156 | Article