Ton Dijkstra

List of John Benjamins publications for which Ton Dijkstra plays a role.


Koutamanis, Elly, Gerrit Jan Kootstra, Ton Dijkstra and Sharon Unsworth 2024 Cognate facilitation in single- and dual-language contexts in bilingual children’s word processingProcessing in Bilingual Children, Dijk, Chantal van, Jasmijn E. Bosch and Sharon Unsworth (eds.), pp. 577–608 | Article
We examined the extent to which cognate facilitation effects occurred in simultaneous bilingual children’s production and comprehension and how these were modulated by language dominance and language context. Bilingual Dutch-German children, ranging from Dutch-dominant to German-dominant,… read more
Heuven, Walter J.B. van and Ton Dijkstra 2023 Chapter 5. Cross-language influences in L2 visual word processing: A localist connectionist modelling perspectiveCross-language Influences in Bilingual Processing and Second Language Acquisition, Elgort, Irina, Anna Siyanova-Chanturia and Marc Brysbaert (eds.), pp. 102–125 | Chapter
Over the last decades, a variety of verbal models have been proposed to account for empirical findings on bilingual word processing and second language (L2) acquisition. However, in these domains only a small number of computational models have seen the light, including localist connectionist… read more
Piasecki, Anna and Ton Dijkstra 2023 Chapter 6. Cross-language influences in L2 pre-lexical and lexical processing and acquisitionCross-language Influences in Bilingual Processing and Second Language Acquisition, Elgort, Irina, Anna Siyanova-Chanturia and Marc Brysbaert (eds.), pp. 126–151 | Chapter
We review how second language (L2) printed and spoken word recognition is affected by first language (L1) characteristics. First, sublexical word properties in bilingual word recognition are considered, in particular diacritical marks and Capital Letters in a script, script-specific letters,… read more
Ring, Josh, Frank Leoné and Ton Dijkstra 2023 Native and foreign language orthotactic probability and neighborhood density in word learningThe Mental Lexicon 18:1, pp. 120–150 | Article
Laboratory studies on word learning in a foreign language (L2) have identified several variables involved in the learning process, key amongst them the orthotactic probability and neighborhood density of new words relative to learners’ native (L1) lexicons. More recently, learners’ sensitivity… read more
Meade, Gabriela and Ton Dijkstra 2017 Mechanisms underlying word learning in second language acquisitionBilingualism: A framework for understanding the mental lexicon, Libben, Maya, Mira Goral and Gary Libben (eds.), pp. 49–72 | Chapter
One common assumption in the second language acquisition literature is that learning words in a second language (L2) is somehow distinct from acquiring new words in a native language (L1), particularly for beginning adult learners. Indeed, several models of the bilingual lexicon ascribe a special… read more
Dijkstra, Ton and Steven Rekké 2012 Towards a localist–connectionist model of word translationMethodological and Analytic Frontiers in Lexical Research, Libben, Gary, Gonia Jarema and Chris Westbury (eds.), pp. 135–153 | Article
Word translation is among the most sophisticated skills that bilinguals can perform. Brysbaert and Duyck (2010) have argued that the Revised Hierarchical Model (RHM; Kroll & Stewart, 1994), a verbal model for word translation in beginning and proficient bilinguals, should be abandoned in favor of… read more
Dijkstra, Ton and Steven Rekké 2010 Towards a localist-connectionist model of word translationMethodological and Analytic Frontiers in Lexical Research (Part I), Jarema, Gonia, Gary Libben and Chris Westbury (eds.), pp. 401–420 | Article
Word translation is among the most sophisticated skills that bilinguals can perform. Brysbaert and Duyck (2010) have argued that the Revised Hierarchical Model (RHM; Kroll & Stewart, 1994), a verbal model for word translation in beginning and proficient bilinguals, should be abandoned in favor of… read more
Dijkstra, Ton 2009 The multilingual lexiconHandbook of Pragmatics: 2009 Installment, Östman, Jan-Ola and Jef Verschueren (eds.), pp. 1–24 | Article
Dijkstra, Ton 2009 The multilingual lexiconCognition and Pragmatics, Sandra, Dominiek, Jan-Ola Östman and Jef Verschueren (eds.), pp. 369–388 | Article
Kootstra, Gerrit Jan, Janet G. van Hell and Ton Dijkstra 2009 6. Two speakers, one dialogue: An interactive alignment perspective on code-switching in bilingual speakersMultidisciplinary Approaches to Code Switching, Isurin, Ludmila, Donald Winford and Kees de Bot (eds.), pp. 129–159 | Article
In two experiments, we investigated how words with cross-linguistic overlap in orthography and/or phonology are recognized by bilinguals. Dutch-English bilinguals performed an English visual lexical decision task including words that are spelled and/or pronounced the same in English and Dutch.… read more
Dijkstra, Ton 2003 6. Lexical storage and retrieval in bilingualsThe Lexicon–Syntax Interface in Second Language Acquisition, Hout, Roeland van, Aafke Hulk, Folkert Kuiken and Richard J. Towell (eds.), pp. 129–150 | Chapter
Two divided attention experiments investigated whether graphemes and phonemes can mutually activate each other during bimodal sublexical processing. Dutch subjects reacted to target letters and/or speech sounds in single-channel and bimodal stimuli. In some bimodal conditions, the visual and… read more