Jordi M. Antolí Martínez

List of John Benjamins publications for which Jordi M. Antolí Martínez plays a role.


Verb and Context: The impact of shared knowledge on TAME categories

Edited by Susana Rodríguez Rosique and Jordi M. Antolí Martínez

[IVITRA Research in Linguistics and Literature, 34] 2023. xviii, 398 pp.
Subjects Semantics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics | Typology
Antolí Martínez, Jordi M. 2023 Grammaticalization of the periphrasis tenir + participle in Old Catalan (13th–16th centuries)Verb and Context: The impact of shared knowledge on TAME categories, Rodríguez Rosique, Susana and Jordi M. Antolí Martínez (eds.), pp. 41–76 | Chapter
This study deals with the grammaticalization process of the aspectual periphrasis tenir + participle in Old Catalan. Our point of departure is the dyachronic study (13th–16th centuries) of the semantic reanalysis of tenir + participle. In order to do so, we have embarked in corpora analysis and… read more
Rodríguez Rosique, Susana and Jordi M. Antolí Martínez 2023 PrefaceVerb and Context: The impact of shared knowledge on TAME categories, Rodríguez Rosique, Susana and Jordi M. Antolí Martínez (eds.), pp. vii–xviii | Preface
Curial e Güelfa reflecteix la nova conceptualització de l’experiència amorosa difosa per la novel·la sentimental europea del segle XV, caracteritzada pel naturalisme amorós. Aquesta novetat cultural, la nova manera de sentir l’amor i el desamor, anirà acompanyada de la renovació del camp semàntic… read more