Kiwako Ito
List of John Benjamins publications for which Kiwako Ito plays a role.
Chapter 9. PI and the French causative and passive constructions: Examining transfer-of-training effects using eye tracking Research on Second Language Processing and Processing Instruction: Studies in honor of Bill VanPatten, Leeser, Michael J., Gregory D. Keating and Wynne Wong (eds.), pp. 261–294 | Chapter
2021 We examined whether French L2 learners trained with processing instruction (PI) or traditional instruction (TI) on the French causative, would transfer training effects to the passive construction. Experiment 2 included explicit information (EI) but not Experiment 1. Accuracy results and eye… read more
Chapter 13. Gradual development of focus prosody and affect prosody comprehension: A proposal for a holistic approach The Development of Prosody in First Language Acquisition, Prieto, Pilar and Núria Esteve-Gibert (eds.), pp. 247–270 | Chapter
2018 Excellence in communication skills requires an ability to appropriately represent the discourse structure including focus, as well as good comprehension of speaker affect. Both focus and affect are communicated in large part through prosody, so comprehension and production of the accompanying… read more
Children’s pragmatic use of prosodic prominence Pragmatic Development in First Language Acquisition, Matthews, Danielle (ed.), pp. 199–218 | Article
2014 Prosodic cues are known to support the development of early speech perception and basic communication skills such as turn-taking and comprehension of speaker’s intent in infants. Research on the effect of prosody on language development in older children is relatively sparse. This chapter discusses… read more