Victor A. Friedman
List of John Benjamins publications for which Victor A. Friedman plays a role.
Book series
Chapter 2. Non-nominative and depersonalized subjects in the Balkans: Areality vs. genealogy Non-Canonically Case-Marked Subjects: The Reykjavík-Eyjafjallajökull papers, Barðdal, Jóhanna, Na'ama Pat-El and Stephen Mark Carey (eds.), pp. 23–54 | Chapter
2018 The languages of the Balkan sprachbund are surveyed here with regard to their constructions that show non-nominative subjects, typically in impersonal constructions. The issue of origins is considered, specifically as to whether these constructions represent inheritances from some earlier stage of… read more
Enhancing national solidarity through the deployment of verbal categories: How the Albanian Admirative participates in the construction of a reliable self and an unreliable other Evidentiality in Interaction, Nuckolls, Janis B. and Lev Michael (eds.), pp. 21–56 | Article
2014 The deployment of the Albanian admirative as well as the evidential particles kinse ‘allegedly’ and gjoja ‘supposedly’ in Kosovar electronic news sources to render either dubitative or neutral reports — depending on both the source and the timing — contributed to the project of an independent… read more
The morphology of imperatives in Lak: Stem vowels in the second singular simplex transitive affirmative Language Typology and Historical Contingency: In honor of Johanna Nichols, Bickel, Balthasar, Lenore A. Grenoble, David A. Peterson and Alan Timberlake (eds.), pp. 445–462 | Article
2013 The choice of stem vowel in the Lak second singular affirmative transitive imperative (2sgafftriv) is highly unpredictable and is the least normalized area of Lak grammar. None of the codifying works of Lak supply this form, and the proposed rules have approximately a 50 percent degree of accuracy.… read more
Enhancing national solidarity through the deployment of verbal categories: How the Albanian Admirative participates in the construction of a reliable self and an unreliable other Evidentiality in Interaction, Nuckolls, Janis B. and Lev Michael (eds.), pp. 189–225 | Article
2012 The deployment of the Albanian admirative as well as the evidential particles kinse ‘allegedly’ and gjoja ‘supposedly’ in Kosovar electronic news sources to render either dubitative or neutral reports — depending on both the source and the timing — contributed to the project of an independent… read more
1. Balkan object reduplication in areal and dialectological perspective Clitic Doubling in the Balkan Languages, Kallulli, Dalina and Liliane Tasmowski (eds.), pp. 35–63 | Article
2008 When examined in its Balkan context, object reduplication tells us a number of things about language contact phenomena in general and Balkan contact phenomena in particular. It provides a striking illustration of the way a pragmatic phenomenon becomes syntactic and finally grammaticalized almost to… read more
The Typology of Balkan Evidentiality and Areal Linguistics Balkan Syntax and Semantics, Mišeska Tomić, Olga (ed.), pp. 101–134 | Article
2004 8. Evidentiality in the Balkans with special attention to Macedonian and Albanian Studies in Evidentiality, Aikhenvald, Alexandra Y. and R.M.W. Dixon (eds.), pp. 189–218 | Chapter
2003 Lak Folktales: Materials for a Bilingual Reader: Part Two Current Trends in Caucasian, East European and Inner Asian Linguistics: Papers in honor of Howard I. Aronson, Holisky, Dee Ann and Kevin Tuite (eds.), pp. 75–83 | Article
2003 Foreword Current Trends in Caucasian, East European and Inner Asian Linguistics: Papers in honor of Howard I. Aronson, Holisky, Dee Ann and Kevin Tuite (eds.), pp. xix–xxviii | Foreword
2003 Review of Van den Berg (1999): Studies in Caucasian Linguistics Studies in Language 25:2, pp. 353–357 | Review
Proleptic and resumptive object pronouns in Romani: A Balkan noun phrase perspective Grammatical Relations in Romani: The Noun Phrase, Elšík, Viktor and Yaron Matras (eds.), pp. 188–204 | Article
2000 Linguistic form and content in the Romani-language press of the Republic of Macedonia The Typology and Dialectology of Romani, Matras, Yaron, Peter Bakker and Hristo Kyuchukov (eds.), pp. 183–198 | Article
1997 3. The Five Deictics of Lak Toward a Calculus of Meaning: Studies in markedness, distinctive features and deixis, Andrews, Edna and Yishai Tobin (eds.), pp. 307–318 | Article
1996 romani standardization and status in the Republic of Macedonia Romani in Contact: The history, structure and sociology of a language, Matras, Yaron (ed.), pp. 177–188 | Article