Ekaterina Gruzdeva

List of John Benjamins publications for which Ekaterina Gruzdeva plays a role.


A Syntax of the Nivkh Language: The Amur dialect

Vladimir P. Nedjalkov and Galina A. Otaina

[Studies in Language Companion Series, 139] 2013. xxx, 396 pp.
Subjects Linguistics of isolated languages | Syntax


Gruzdeva, Ekaterina and Juha A. Janhunen 2025 The Amuric language family: Why so exotic?Investigating Language Isolates: Typological and diachronic perspectives, Salaberri, Iker, Dorota Krajewska, Ekaitz Santazilia and Eneko Zuloaga (eds.), pp. 48–70 | Chapter
This paper deals with the areal and typological position of the Amuric language family, often classified as an isolate, but actually comprising two distinct dialectal complexes known as Nivkh and Nighvng. The Amuric varieties are spoken in the Amur-Sakhalin region of the Russian Far East and… read more