This study reports the ways in which students and their teacher co-manage the interactional problems resulting from a lack of understanding of the teacher’s instructions produced in the second language (L2) through language alternation practices. The study draws on data from two Italian as a… read more
In this study the methods and findings of Conversation Analysis are applied to the examination of three interactions between young children aged 12 to 14 months in the context of a parent working to establish joint attention, working to get beyond joint attention and affirming a child action. The… read more
Withholding and pursuit are well-documented phenomena in talk between adults and in talk with children. They have been described as working to perform various functions that emerge locally between speakers in a variety of interactional contexts both in ordinary conversation and in institutional… read more
The study to be reported in this paper examined the work accomplished by mm and mm hm in the interactions of a parent and his daughter aged 0;10–2;0. Using the findings of Gardner (2001) for adults, the analysis shows that mm accomplished a range of functions based on its sequential placement and… read more
The study reported in this paper examined turn-taking and sequence organisation in a sample of twenty-one interactions derived from the 1992 Victorian Certificate of Education Italian oral Common Assessment Task. The most common adjacency pair was found to be the question and answer, the assessor… read more
This paper presents findings based on a study of talk that occurred in a sample of 21 interactions during the 1992 Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) Italian Oral Common Assessment Task. The purpose of the study reported here is to examine the interactions between assessors and students… read more