Marie Veniard

List of John Benjamins publications for which Marie Veniard plays a role.

Schröter, Melani, Marie Veniard, Charlotte Taylor and Andreas Blätte 2019 Chapter 1. A comparative analysis of the keyword multicultural(ism) in French, British, German and Italian migration discourseMigration and Media: Discourses about identities in crisis, Viola, Lorella and Andreas Musolff (eds.), pp. 13–44 | Chapter
This chapter looks into discourses about migration in four European countries through the lens of cultural keywords (cf. Williams 1983; Bennett et al. 2005; Wierzbicka 1997); using Corpus Assisted Discourse Analysis, it compares the use of the keywords multicultural and multiculturalism. The study… read more
This article suggests a theoretical and methodological framework for a systematic contrastive discourse analysis across languages and discourse communities through keywords. This constitutes a lexical approach to discourse analysis which is considered to be particularly fruitful for comparative… read more
This article tackles the question of point of view carried by lexicon. Whereas this subject is often considered from a paradigmatic perspective, this article proposes to describe it from a syntagmatic perspective. The word guerre (war) and the three syntagms la guerre (de X) avec Y, la guerre (de… read more
This paper considers the terms used for designating parents in reports dealing with child protection, and explores the pragmatic impact of the reports’ extremely cautious choice of words. I test the hypothesis that, even if words are not argumentative in themselves, they can become argumentative in… read more