Ralf Knöbl

List of John Benjamins publications for which Ralf Knöbl plays a role.


‘Standard language’ is a contested concept, ideologically, empirically and theoretically. This is particularly true for a language such as German, where the standardization of the spoken language was based on the written standard and was established with respect to a communicative situation, i.e.… read more
Keim, Inken and Ralf Knöbl 2011 Linguistic variation and linguistic virtuosity of young “Ghetto”-migrants in Mannheim, GermanyEthnic Styles of Speaking in European Metropolitan Areas, Kern, Friederike and Margret Selting (eds.), pp. 239–263 | Article
In this paper, we provide an insight into the life world and social experiences of young Turkish migrants who are categorised by German society as “social problem cases”. Based on natural conversational data, we describe the communicative repertoire of one migrant adolescent and that of his friends. read more