Sara Lusini
List of John Benjamins publications for which Sara Lusini plays a role.
Subjects Romance linguistics | Theoretical linguistics
Lusini, Sara, Roberta D'Alessandro and Johan Rooryck 2014
Phonetic aspects of polar questions in Sienese: An experimental approach Above and Beyond the Segments: Experimental linguistics and phonetics, Caspers, Johanneke, Yiya Chen, Willemijn Heeren, Jos Pacilly, Niels O. Schiller and Ellen van Zanten (eds.), pp. 174–188 | Article
This study provides empirical evidence for the monoclausal status of a specific
polar interrogative construction in Sienese, an Italian dialect spoken in Tuscany.
At first sight, this question type looks like a biclausal discourse including two
separate questions. There is however considerable… read more