Catherine Fuchs

List of John Benjamins publications for which Catherine Fuchs plays a role.



Les structures comparatives du français: Des bases de données aux corpus

Sous la direction de Catherine Fuchs

Special issue of Lingvisticæ Investigationes 31:1 (2008) 150 pp.
Subjects Generative linguistics | Theoretical linguistics

Language Diversity and Cognitive Representations

Edited by Catherine Fuchs and Stéphane Robert

[Human Cognitive Processing, 3] 1999. x, 229 pp.
Subjects Cognition and language | Cognitive psychology | Semiotics

Continuity in Linguistic Semantics

Edited by Catherine Fuchs and Bernard Victorri

Subjects Semantics | Theoretical linguistics
This article deals with syntactic and semantic representation of comparative structures in French. We propose an analysis of quantitative comparatives (plus, moins, aussi … que) and qualitative comparatives (comme) which highlights their common properties as well as their specificities. The first… read more
This contribution is devoted to the study of French « locative inversion » structures X V S (Sur la cheminée trônent deux chandeliers). It is argued that such structures are specific, and cannot be derived from X S V structures (Sur la cheminée, deux chandeliers trônent), since the syntactic… read more
Fuchs, Catherine 1999 Diversity in linguistic representations: A challenge for cognitionLanguage Diversity and Cognitive Representations, Fuchs, Catherine and Stéphane Robert (eds.), pp. 3–20 | Article
Fuchs, Catherine 1999 IntroductionLanguage Diversity and Cognitive Representations, Fuchs, Catherine and Stéphane Robert (eds.), pp. vii–x | Miscellaneous
Fuchs, Catherine 1994 The challenges of continuity for a linguistic approach to semanticsContinuity in Linguistic Semantics, Fuchs, Catherine and Bernard Victorri (eds.), pp. 93 ff. | Article
The study presented here constitutes an important part of a general project of modeling polysemy, which involves three steps: linguistic theory, mathematical formalization, and computer implementation. In this approach, two continuous spaces are to be constructed to model the behaviour of a… read more
Dans les Remarques sur la langue françoise (1647) de Claude Favre de Vaugelas (1585–1650), on analyse tout d’abord la ‘théorie explicite’ de la synonymie exposée à l’article “Syraonimes”: pour l’auteur, la répétition de termes synonymes est soumise aux critères rhétoriques de la clarté du style… read more