Helen Faye West

List of John Benjamins publications for which Helen Faye West plays a role.


West, Helen Faye 2015 Language attitudes and divergence on the Merseyside/Lancashire borderResearching Northern English, Hickey, Raymond (ed.), pp. 317–342 | Article
Recent sociolinguistic studies have argued that speaker identity is accentuated in border regions due to speakers’ desire to project a strong sense of identity (Llamas 2007; 2010, Britain 2010). Following the Local Government Act in 1972, the creation of the administrative county of Merseyside… read more
Speakers’ psycho-social orientation and social knowledge have often been identified as having an important role in linguistic change. We know, for example, that speakers’ adoption of linguistic features from a neighbouring region often correlates with their positive social orientation towards that… read more