David Machin

List of John Benjamins publications for which David Machin plays a role.



Multimodality, Politics and Ideology

Edited by David Machin and Theo van Leeuwen

Special issue of Journal of Language and Politics 15:3 (2016) v, 126 pp.
Subjects Discourse studies | Pragmatics
Roma communities remain Europe’s most marginalized and disadvantaged population, facing increasing discrimination, especially after the 2015 refugee crisis. European media often portrays them as criminals or anti-social, furthering misunderstanding and social exclusion. This article examines… read more
Cotal San Martin, Vladimir and David Machin 2021 The legitimization of the use of sweat shops by H&M in the Swedish pressJournal of Language and Politics 20:2, pp. 254–276 | Article
In the Swedish news-media we find sporadic critical, or reflective, reporting on the production conditions of Swedish ‘sweat-shop’ factories in the Global South, used to supply Transnational Corporations (TNCs). In this paper we carry out a critical discourse analysis, in particular using Van… read more
Ledin, Per and David Machin 2016 Strategic diagrams and the technologization of cultureMultimodality, Politics and Ideology, Machin, David and Theo van Leeuwen (eds.), pp. 322–336 | Article
Strategic diagrams are becoming ubiquitous across all forms of social practices, used to map out core elements and processes in private and public institutions and also for more localized and individual activities – where, for example, so that it reads: where, for example, early years school… read more
Studies in CDA have revealed the nature of the marketized language that now infuses universities and other public institutions, but there is no comprehensive study as to how this language enters the everyday practices of the university through different levels of steering documents and meetings.… read more
Machin, David and Theo van Leeuwen 2016 Multimodality, politics and ideologyMultimodality, Politics and Ideology, Machin, David and Theo van Leeuwen (eds.), pp. 243–258 | Article
This journal’s editorial statement is clear that political discourse should be studied not only as regards parliamentary type politics. In this introduction we argue precisely for the need to pay increasing attention to the way that political ideologies are infused into culture more widely, in… read more
Krzyżanowski, Michał, David Machin and Ruth Wodak 2014 Journal of Language and Politics – Looking to the FutureJournal of Language and Politics 13:1, pp. v–vi | Editorial
Discourses of war are disseminated and legitimised not only through speeches and written texts, but through visual semiotic resources. One important vehicle for this has been the war monument. Evidence shows that from WW1 in Europe and the US monuments have been used systematically by authorities… read more
Machin, David 2007 Visual discourses of war: Multimodal analysis of photographs of the Iraq occupationDiscourse, War and Terrorism, Hodges, Adam and Chad Nilep (eds.), pp. 123–142 | Chapter
Machin, David and Theo van Leeuwen 2007 Computer games as political discourse: The case of Black Hawk DownThe Soft Power of War, Chouliaraki, Lilie (ed.), pp. 109–128 | Article
The paper analyses how the March 1993 American intervention in Somalia is represented in the movie Black Hawk Down and the computer game of the same name. Using a discourse historical approach, the paper combines three methods: (1) analysis of the ‘special operations discourse’ that underlies both… read more
Machin, David and Theo van Leeuwen 2005 Computer games as political discourse: The case of Black Hawk DownThe Soft Power of War: Legitimacy and community in Iraq war discourses, Chouliaraki, Lilie (ed.), pp. 119–141 | Article
The paper analyses how the March 1993 American intervention in Somalia is represented in the movie Black Hawk Down and the computer game of the same name. Using a discourse historical approach, the paper combines three methods: (1) analysis of the ‘special operations discourse’ that underlies both… read more