Alexandra Kim-Maloney

List of John Benjamins publications for which Alexandra Kim-Maloney plays a role.


Gural, Svetlana, Alexandra Kim-Maloney and Galina Petrova 2019 Siberian-American cognitive and cultural interface through eco-ethnic lexiconPragmatics and its Interfaces as related to the Expression of Intention, Kecskés, István (ed.), pp. 39–60 | Article
The focus of this paper is a possible Siberian link with the Na-Dene Languages, based on cognitive lexical semantics. Dene-Yeniseian is a proposed language family consisting of the Yeniseian languages of Central Siberia and the Na-Dene languages of North-Western North America (Campbell 2011;… read more
Kim-Maloney, Alexandra 2004 Selkup-Ket parallels in ritual and spiritual terminologyLanguages and Prehistory of Central Siberia, Vajda, Edward J. (ed.), pp. 169–178 | Article