Hjalmar P. Petersen

List of John Benjamins publications for which Hjalmar P. Petersen plays a role.


Syntactic Variation in Insular Scandinavian

Edited by Höskuldur Thráinsson, Caroline Heycock, Hjalmar P. Petersen and Zakaris Svabo Hansen

[Studies in Germanic Linguistics, 1] 2017. v, 343 pp.
Subjects Germanic linguistics | Theoretical linguistics
Ussery, Cherlon and Hjalmar P. Petersen 2023 Ditransitives in Faroese: The distribution of IO/DO and PPDitransitives in Germanic Languages: Synchronic and diachronic aspects, Zehentner, Eva, Melanie Röthlisberger and Timothy Colleman (eds.), pp. 299–324 | Chapter
This paper examines the acceptability of the double object and prepositional frames for ditransitives in Faroese. We build on previous literature which has discussed various factors which may influence speakers’ use of one frame over the other. We report the findings of a judgment study in which… read more
Petersen, Hjalmar P. and Renata Szczepaniak 2018 The development of non-paradigmatic linking elements in Faroese and the decline of the genitive caseGermanic Genitives, Ackermann, Tanja, Horst J. Simon and Christian Zimmer (eds.), pp. 115–145 | Chapter
This paper focuses on the development of linking elements in Faroese. It aims to capture the whole dissociation process of the Faroese linking elements, which comprises the ongoing decline of the genitive case as well as the distributional, functional and formal changes within the linking system.… read more
Petersen, Hjalmar P. 2017 Variation in dative in FaroeseSyntactic Variation in Insular Scandinavian, Thráinsson, Höskuldur, Caroline Heycock, Hjalmar P. Petersen and Zakaris Svabo Hansen (eds.), pp. 113–140 | Chapter
The aim of this article is to investigate variation in object case marking in Faroese and the ongoing change from dative objects to accusative objects in Modern Faroese. In this investigation I try to determine what influences this change: Is it influenced by the morphological form of the noun… read more
Thráinsson, Höskuldur, Caroline Heycock, Hjalmar P. Petersen and Zakaris Svabo Hansen 2017 IntroductionSyntactic Variation in Insular Scandinavian, Thráinsson, Höskuldur, Caroline Heycock, Hjalmar P. Petersen and Zakaris Svabo Hansen (eds.), pp. 1–18 | Chapter
Heycock, Caroline and Hjalmar P. Petersen 2012 Pseudo-coordinations in FaroeseMultilingual Individuals and Multilingual Societies, Braunmüller, Kurt and Christoph Gabriel (eds.), pp. 259–280 | Article
In this article we describe the system of pseudo-coordinations in Faroese − coordinations in the verbal system in which the second conjunct appears in fact to be subordinated to the first − in the light of previous discussions of this phenomenon in Scandinavian. We discuss pseudo-coordinations −… read more
Kühl, Karoline and Hjalmar P. Petersen 2009 Converging verbal phrases in related languages: A case study from Faro-Danish and Danish-German language contact situationsConvergence and Divergence in Language Contact Situations, Braunmüller, Kurt and Juliane House (eds.), pp. 101–124 | Article
The paper deals with Danish-Faroese and Danish-German language contact, in particular Faro-Danish and Danish-German verb phrases that are constructed under heavy influence of Faroese and German, respectively. The theoretical framework is the Abstract Level Model (2002) as well as further… read more