Irene Franco
List of John Benjamins publications for which Irene Franco plays a role.
Subjects Romance linguistics | Theoretical linguistics
Franco, Irene, Olga Kellert, Guido Mensching and Cecilia Poletto 2018
Additive and aspectual anche in Old Italian Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 13: Selected papers from ‘Going Romance’ 29, Nijmegen, Berns, Janine, Haike Jacobs and Dominique Nouveau (eds.), pp. 127–142 | Chapter
In Modern Italian (MI), negative additives (e.g. neanche ‘neither/not even’) contain a negative morpheme ne - and obey negative concord (NC) with sentential negation. In Old Italian (OI), negative additives such as neanche are not attested. Instead, a non-negative additive, anche, combines with a… read more
Franco, Irene 2012
Minimality and embedded V2 in Scandinavian Main Clause Phenomena: New Horizons, Aelbrecht, Lobke, Liliane Haegeman and Rachel Nye (eds.), pp. 319–344 | Article
The paper focuses on the syntactic and interpretive properties of subordinate clauses in Mainland Scandinavian and Icelandic. Assuming a cartographic CP structure (Rizzi 1997; Haegeman 2006, a.o.), the syntactic properties and distribution of embedded V2 in Scandinavian follow from restrictions… read more