Spyros Armostis
List of John Benjamins publications for which Spyros Armostis plays a role.
Chapter 9. Survival of the ‘oddest’? Levelling, shibboleths, reallocation and the construction of intermediate varieties Intermediate Language Varieties: Koinai and regional standards in Europe, Cerruti, Massimo and Stavroula Tsiplakou (eds.), pp. 203–230 | Chapter
2020 This contribution examines some cases of arrested convergence to the standard variety in Cypriot Greek, the ‘L’ variety in Cyprus’ diglossic context; we explore some of the reasons why full convergence of the Cypriot Greek koine to Standard Greek does not take place and why certain dialect features… read more
Chapter 15. The past perfect in Cypriot Greek: Innovation because – or irrespective – of contact? Language Variation - European Perspectives VII: Selected papers from the Ninth International Conference on Language Variation in Europe (ICLaVE 9), Malaga, June 2017, Villena-Ponsoda, Juan-Andrés, Francisco Díaz Montesinos, Antonio Manuel Ávila-Muñoz and Matilde Vida-Castro (eds.), pp. 231–244 | Chapter
2019 The Cypriot Greek koine displays structural innovations, arguably as a result of prolonged contact with Standard Greek (SG), the ‘H’ variety in the diglossic context of the Greek Cypriot speech community. Periphrastic perfect forms are among such innovations. As regards the Past Perfect, in… read more