Ellen Van Praet

List of John Benjamins publications for which Ellen Van Praet plays a role.

De Wilde, July, Ellen Van Praet and Yves Van Vaerenbergh 2019 Chapter 1. Language discordance and technological facilitation in health care service encounters: A contrastive experimentTechnology Mediated Service Encounters, Garcés-Conejos Blitvich, Pilar, Lucía Fernández-Amaya and María de la O Hernández-López (eds.), pp. 17–44 | Chapter
This chapter reports on the design and implementation of a multilingual, mobile app to facilitate the communication in language discordant face-to-face service encounters (SEs). It describes the results of a two-group between-subjects experiment, in which respondents (N = 20) were randomly assigned… read more
Krystallidou, Demi, Céline Van De Walle, Myriam Deveugele, Evangelia Dougali, Fien Mertens, Amélie Truwant, Ellen Van Praet and Peter Pype 2018 Training “doctor-minded” interpreters and “interpreter-minded” doctors: The benefits of collaborative practice in interpreter trainingInterpreting 20:1, pp. 132–150 | Article
In response to calls in the literature for more collaborative practice in interpreter training, this paper describes the design, implementation and part of the evaluation of an innovative joint training intervention for interpreting students (Master’s level) and 3rd- and 4th-year medical… read more
De Wilde, July, Ellen Van Praet and Pascal Rillof 2016 Contesting the monolingual mindset: Practice versus policy. The case of BelgiumJournal of Language and Politics 15:2, pp. 121–146 | Article
This paper focuses on the day-to-day practices of service providers working with multilingual immigrants. It reports on 74 video recorded conversations between service providers and immigrant mothers, drawing on ethnographic fieldwork at Kind en Gezin, the organization that monitors childcare for… read more
Van Praet, Ellen, Bram Vertommen, Tom Van Hout and Astrid Vandendaele 2014 Chapter 5. In foreign news we trust: Balance and accuracy in newspaper coverage of BelgiumTrust and Discourse: Organizational perspectives, Pelsmaekers, Katja, Geert Jacobs and Craig Rollo (eds.), pp. 95–112 | Article
Macgilchrist, Felicitas and Ellen Van Praet 2013 Writing the history of the victors? Discourse, social change and (radical) democracyJournal of Language and Politics 12:4, pp. 626–651 | Article
Recently, interest in radical democracy and communism has increased dramatically among cultural theorists. This paper draws attention to two other fields in which a similar shift is visible. First, popular scholarly writing on communism, anarchism and socialism. Second, curricular materials for… read more