Francisco Lorenzo

List of John Benjamins publications for which Francisco Lorenzo plays a role.

Granados, Adrián and Francisco Lorenzo 2022 A tale of two cities: The ideological debate on equity in bilingual schooling(In)equity Issues in CLIL, Llinares, Ana and Russell Cross (eds.), pp. 203–226 | Article
This study analyses the implementation of CLIL in two monolingual regions of Spain: Madrid and Andalusia. As a matter of fact, as these two regions have been mostly governed by political parties with contrasting ideologies, this may have affected the way in which CLIL has been implemented.… read more
Lorenzo, Francisco 2014 Motivation meets bilingual models: Goal-oriented behavior in the CLIL classroomMotivation and Foreign Language Learning: From theory to practice, Lasagabaster, David, Aintzane Doiz and Juan Manuel Sierra (eds.), pp. 139–155 | Article
Content and Language Integrated Learning appeared in Europe as a long-awaited alternative to unsubstantiated foreign language approaches, which fell short of meeting the multilingual standards of a society marked by language diversity. Because of L2 content being programmed as content teaching… read more
Lorenzo, Francisco and Pat Moore 2010 On the natural emergence of language structures in CLIL: Towards a theory of European educational bilingualismLanguage Use and Language Learning in CLIL Classrooms, Dalton-Puffer, Christiane, Tarja Nikula and Ute Smit (eds.), pp. 23–38 | Article
It is important to ensure that the implementation of modern European educational bilingualism be based on sound theoretical underpinnings. We discuss the development of L2 competence, as evidenced in sentence and text grammar, gauging the extent to which the incidental language learning favoured by… read more