Dariusz Galasiński

List of John Benjamins publications for which Dariusz Galasiński plays a role.



Subjects Discourse studies | Pragmatics
Galasińska, Aleksandra and Dariusz Galasiński 2010 Living between history and the present: The Polish post-communist conditionThe Post-Communist Condition: Public and private discourses of transformation, Galasińska, Aleksandra and Dariusz Galasiński (eds.), pp. 1–20 | Article
Galasiński, Dariusz 2010 Post-communist masculinitiesThe Post-Communist Condition: Public and private discourses of transformation, Galasińska, Aleksandra and Dariusz Galasiński (eds.), pp. 247–262 | Article
Galasiński, Dariusz 2010 Sitting on the fence: Identity and Polish narratives of the 1st-May celebrationsThe Post-Communist Condition: Public and private discourses of transformation, Galasińska, Aleksandra and Dariusz Galasiński (eds.), pp. 89–102 | Article
Galasińska, Aleksandra and Dariusz Galasiński 2007 Rejecting an identity: Discourse of Europe in Polish border communitiesThe Discourse of Europe: Talk and text in everyday life, Millar, Sharon and John Wilson (eds.), pp. 95–111 | Article
Galasiński, Dariusz and Ulrike H. Meinhof 2002 Looking across the river: German-Polish border communities and the construction of the OtherIdentity Politics, pp. 23–58 | Article
The paper reports results of an ongoing ESRC-funded project into constructions of identity in German and Polish border communities. We are interested here in how our informants from different generations position themselves and their communities with regard to those on the other side of the river. read more
Galasiński, Dariusz 1997 Background and discourse analysis: A response to Jan BlommaertPragmatics 7:1, pp. 83–97 | Article