This paper shows how horse-riding instructors vocally depict, and thereby co-design and mobilize the unfolding progression of horses’ and riders’ actions through gradually escalating prosody. Escalating prosody involves the stepwise raising of a speaker’s overall pitch across a series of turn… read more
This study makes an original contribution to the understanding of sound patterns in interaction by investigating glottalization and linking at word boundaries in naturally occurring talk. Specifically, the study shows how speakers of British English make use of the contrast between glottalized… read more
In English the organization of talk into turns is routinely accomplished through a complex system of implicit, non-lexical cues. However, explicit verbalizations, such as “I haven’t finished” or “Can I say something?” do exist. This paper investigates instances in which participants employ meta… read more
This chapter argues that local actions and interactions can be viewed as the components of larger interactional projects, such as instructions. The paper presents the regularly occurring component actions of music masterclass instructions, and details how they are locally negotiated on each… read more
This chapter tests the usefulness of the category intonation phrase for the analysis of natural conversation. It asks whether the intonation phrase is a relevant unit for participants, and if so, whether it is a prosodic, or indeed an interactional category. The data show that while participants do… read more