Václav Blažek

List of John Benjamins publications for which Václav Blažek plays a role.


The taxonomy of the Omotic language family is thoroughly analyzed. The hypotheses of “West Cushitic” vs. a “Cushomotic” super-branch, vs. separating Omotic as the sixth branch of Afroasiatic (Fleming) are compared. Earlier classifications of the Omotic family are presented, followed by the author’s… read more
The Ongota language, recently (1981) rediscovered idiom from southwest Ethiopia, paradoxically belongs to the best described languages of the region, although today the number of its speakers oscillate around 10 old persons, while most of the members of the tribe speak Tsamay. The recent… read more
Blažek, Václav 2001 Numeral Types and ChangesArchív Orientální 69:1, pp. 73–84 | Review
The book Numeral Types and Changes Worldwide (1999) consists of the papers presented at a workshop devoted to numerals at the 12th International Conference on Historical Linguistics held at the University of Manchester on August 18, 1995. After the monumental monograph, Indo-European numerals… read more