Goro Christoph Kimura

List of John Benjamins publications for which Goro Christoph Kimura plays a role.


Subjects Applied linguistics | Discourse studies | Language policy | Multilingualism | Pragmatics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology
This paper focuses on the socially oriented activities of the researcher of language management in order to clarify what kind of role these activities can play as part of the overall language management processes that are researched. A research project on interlingual communication at the… read more
Kimura, Goro Christoph and Lisa Fairbrother 2020 Chapter 13. Epilogue: Reconsidering the language management approach in light of the micro-macro continuumA Language Management Approach to Language Problems: Integrating macro and micro dimensions, Kimura, Goro Christoph and Lisa Fairbrother (eds.), pp. 255–267 | Chapter