Lourdes Torres

List of John Benjamins publications for which Lourdes Torres plays a role.


Torres, Lourdes and Kim Potowski 2016  Hablamos los dos in the Windy City: Codeswitching among Puerto Ricans, Mexicans and MexiRicans in ChicagoSpanish-English Codeswitching in the Caribbean and the US, Guzzardo Tamargo, Rosa E., Catherine M. Mazak and M. Carmen Parafita Couto (eds.), pp. 83–105 | Article
This chapter offers an analysis of codeswitching in Latino Chicago. The data were collected in one-hour, Spanish language sociolinguistic interviews with 64 Puerto Ricans, Mexicans and MexiRicans from three generational groups. We argue that codeswitching is a shared practice in the Chicago… read more
Torres, Lourdes 2007 5. The politics of English and Spanish aquí y alláSpanish in Contact: Policy, Social and Linguistic Inquiries, Potowski, Kim and Richard Cameron (eds.), pp. 81–99 | Article
Discussions of Puerto Rican language practices are inextricably tied to issues of nationalism and political loyalties both in Puerto Rico and the United States. The linguistic behavior and the language ideologies of island and mainland Puerto Ricans are often presented in polarized ways; island… read more