Márton Petykó
List of John Benjamins publications for which Márton Petykó plays a role.
The motives attributed to trolls in metapragmatic comments on three Hungarian left-wing political blogs Pragmatics 28:3, pp. 391–416 | Article
2018 This paper investigates the linguistically marked motives that participants attribute to those they call trolls in 178 comment threads of three Hungarian left-wing political blogs. It is also concerned with how frequently these motives are mentioned and how they contribute to the discursive… read more
Discursive (re)construction of “witchcraft” as a community and “witch” as an identity in the eighteenth-century Hungarian witchcraft trial records Historical (socio)pragmatics at present, Włodarczyk, Matylda and Irma Taavitsainen (eds.), pp. 214–234 | Article
2017 This paper provides a qualitative historical (socio)pragmatic analysis of records of three eighteenth-century Hungarian witchcraft trials using a socio-cognitive model of discursive community and identity construction. I aim to describe how the general social and legal context of witchcraft… read more