Maria Kristina Gallego

List of John Benjamins publications for which Maria Kristina Gallego plays a role.


Subjects Historical linguistics | Theoretical linguistics


Evans, Bethwyn, Maria Kristina Gallego and Luisa Miceli 2024 Editors’ introductionHistorical Linguistics 2019: Selected papers from the 24th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Canberra, 1–5 July 2019, Evans, Bethwyn, Maria Kristina Gallego and Luisa Miceli (eds.), pp. 1–7 | Chapter
Chen, Victoria, Jonathan Kuo, Maria Kristina Gallego and Isaac Stead 2022 Is Malayo-Polynesian a primary branch of Austronesian? A view from morphosyntaxDiachronica 39:4, pp. 449–489 | Article
An understudied morphosyntactic innovation, reanalysis of the Proto-Austronesian (PAn) stative intransitive prefix *ma- as a transitive affix, offers new insights into Austronesian higher-order subgrouping. Malayo-Polynesian is currently considered a primary branch of Austronesian, with no… read more