Anne Kerkhoff

List of John Benjamins publications for which Anne Kerkhoff plays a role.

Craats, Ineke van de en Anne Kerkhoff 2000 Tweede Taal en Moedertaal bij LaagopgeleidenOnderzoek ontmoet onderwijs, pp. 129–136 | Article
On the basis of the results in spontaneous second language acquisition research it is argued that, in second language teaching, the learner's first language is used to a lesser extent than is useful for the adult learner who has no other language learning experience than learning his mother tongue. read more
The results of a secondary analysis of the relationships between Dutch language proficiency and educational attainment of Dutch primary school children with different ethnic backgrounds are presented. Three groups of pupils are studied: 32 monolingual speakers of the Dutch standard language, 75… read more
After an introductory discussion of some data concerning the transition of ethnic minority children from primary to secondary education in the Netherlands and after a short exposition about the role of language in teaching-learning situations, some recent Dutch projects are discussed, in which data… read more