Brett Baker

List of John Benjamins publications for which Brett Baker plays a role.


Discourse and Grammar in Australian Languages

Edited by Ilana Mushin and Brett Baker

[Studies in Language Companion Series, 104] 2008. x, 239 pp.
Subjects Australian languages | Pragmatics | Semantics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics
A number of indigenous languages of northern Australia have complex systems of noun class prefixation incorporating the formal realization of case or topicality, as well as class. The markers of case and topicality occur inside the marking of class, in an unexpected position according to… read more
Baker, Brett 2008 The interpretation of complex nominal expressions in Southeast Arnhem Land languagesDiscourse and Grammar in Australian Languages, Mushin, Ilana and Brett Baker (eds.), pp. 135–166 | Article
In this chapter, I examine the function of noun class prefixes in several non-Pama-Nyungan languages. In these languages, prefixes show several alternants. I show that these alternants are distributed according to discourse functions “topic” and “focus”, making them somewhat like articles in… read more
Baker, Brett and Ilana Mushin 2008 Discourse and grammar in Australian languagesDiscourse and Grammar in Australian Languages, Mushin, Ilana and Brett Baker (eds.), pp. 1–23 | Article
Amberber, Mengistu, Brett Baker and Mark Harvey 2007 16. Complex predication and the coverb constructionLanguage Description, History and Development: Linguistic indulgence in memory of Terry Crowley, Siegel, Jeff, John Lynch and Diana Eades (eds.), pp. 209–219 | Article
Baker, Brett 2007 11. Ethnobiological classification and the environment in Northern AustraliaMental States: Volume 2: Language and cognitive structure, Schalley, Andrea C. and Drew Khlentzos (eds.), pp. 239–265 | Article
Baker, Brett 2004 Stem forms and paradigm reshaping in GunwinyguanAustralian Languages: Classification and the comparative method, Bowern, Claire and Harold Koch (eds.), pp. 313–340 | Article