Josep Soler

List of John Benjamins publications for which Josep Soler plays a role.

This article analyses some of the linguistic tensions derived from international academic mobility in English-medium instruction multilingual university contexts, focusing on local and international academic staff’s interests from a linguistic justice viewpoint. Firstly, we develop a normative… read more
Soler, Josep, Iker Erdocia and Kristof Savski 2023 (Im)possible change: Criticality and constraints in the infrastructures of the academic knowledge economyManufacturing Knowledge, Del Percio, Alfonso and Cécile B. Vigouroux (eds.), pp. 167–181 | Article
This article examines three sets of infrastructures that give shape to the academic knowledge economy, namely: institutional infrastructures (universities and conferences); gate-keeping infrastructures (journals and publishers); and validation infrastructures (competitive assessments of… read more
In recent years, the significant expansion of English-medium instruction (EMI) programmes across higher education institutions outside English-speaking contexts has brought with it an inherent set of language-related tensions and ambiguities. In this article, we explore how a selection of… read more
In recent years, an intense debate in English for research publication purposes (ERPP) has developed around the question of whether linguistic injustice exists or not in academic publishing in English. In this Perspectives piece, I wish to engage in this debate by first situating the terms in… read more