Dirk Geeraerts

List of John Benjamins publications for which Dirk Geeraerts plays a role.


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Cognitive Exploration of Language and Linguistics: Second revised edition

Edited by René Dirven † and Marjolijn H. Verspoor

[Cognitive Linguistics in Practice, 1] 2004. xii, 277 pp.
Subjects Cognition and language

Cognitive Exploration of Language and Linguistics

René Dirven † and Marjolijn H. Verspoor

[Cognitive Linguistics in Practice, 1 (1999)] 1999. xiv, 300 pp.
Subjects Cognition and language

Diachronic Semantics

Edited by Dirk Geeraerts

[Belgian Journal of Linguistics, 5] 1990. 167 pp.
Subjects Historical linguistics | Semantics
Geeraerts, Dirk 2022 What does it mean to wear a mask?Living Metaphors and Metonymies, Brdar, Mario and Rita Brdar-Szabó (eds.), pp. 70–90 | Article
If first-order empathy is the ability of Self to take into account Other’s point of view, then second-order empathy may be identified as the ability of Self to take into account Other’s point of view as including a view of Self. Considering that a hearer may choose between a first-order empathic… read more
Geeraerts, Dirk 2022 Lexical field analysisHandbook of Pragmatics: Manual, Verschueren, Jef and Jan-Ola Östman (eds.), pp. 844–848 | Chapter
Geeraerts, Dirk 2022 Cognitive linguisticsHandbook of Pragmatics: Manual, Verschueren, Jef and Jan-Ola Östman (eds.), pp. 178–184 | Chapter
Geeraerts, Dirk 2021 Second-order empathy, pragmatic ambiguity, and ironyFigurative Language – Intersubjectivity and Usage, Soares da Silva, Augusto (ed.), pp. 19–40 | Chapter
If first-order empathy is the ability of Self to take into account Other’s point of view, second-order empathy may be defined as the ability of Self to take into account Other’s point of view as including a view of Self. The paper argues that the possibility for the hearer to choose between a… read more
Geeraerts, Dirk and Lisbeth De Laet 2020 A note on the relative diachronic productivity of metaphor and metonymyChanges in Meaning and Function: Studies in historical linguistics with a focus on Spanish, Fernández Jaén, Jorge and Herminia Provencio Garrigós (eds.), pp. 109–116 | Chapter
The assumption that the progress of culture is characterized by an increase in abstract thinking (in terms of the Vygotskyan model of cognitive development) suggests that the proportion of productive metaphor compared to metonymy increases over time. However, a large-scale investigation of… read more
While empirical research on attitudes towards languages and linguistic varieties has become increasingly popular from the 1960s onwards (e.g. Lambert, Hodgson, Gardner, & Fillenbaum, 1960), experimental investigations into the ability to correctly identify the origin of speakers are in… read more
Over the past decades, sociolinguists and Cognitive Linguists have shifted their attention to individual differences and intra-speaker variation (Hernández-­Campoy & Cutillas-Espinosa 2013; Barlow 2013). This chapter aims to add to this trend by conducting a bottom-up analysis of the speech of… read more
Anishchanka, Alena V., Dirk Speelman and Dirk Geeraerts 2015 Usage-related variation in the referential range of blue in marketing contextSensory Perceptions in Language and Cognition, Caballero, Rosario and Carita Paradis (eds.), pp. 20–43 | Article
The paper explores language-internal variation in the referential meaning of the lexical form blue. Taking a usage-based cognitive approach, we analyze the referential range of blue in several marketing contexts from a semasiological and an onomasiological perspective. The study develops an… read more
Geeraerts, Dirk 2015 ForewordHandbook of Terminology: Volume 1, Kockaert, Hendrik J. and Frieda Steurs (eds.), pp. xvii–xix | Miscellaneous
This article discusses a corpus-based method for the automatic identification of synonyms across different varieties of the same language. This method, based on the paradigm of distributional semantics, quantifies semantic similarity on the basis of contextual similarity in two comparable corpora.… read more
Tummers, Jose, Dirk Speelman, Kris Heylen and Dirk Geeraerts 2015 Lectal constraining of lexical collocations: How a word’s company is influenced by the usage settingsConstructions and Frames 7:1, pp. 1–46 | Article
Adopting a corpus-based approach, lexical collocations are reconsidered from a lectal perspective. Analyzing adjective-noun collocations, it will be shown that lexical collocations are conditioned by the language settings in which they are used. These lectal constraints do not only apply to lexical… read more
This paper presents a multifactorial quantitative corpus-based analysis of the distribution of English-only ads in the Low Countries. The dataset consists of approximately one thousand job ads, published in Vacature (a Belgian Dutch job ad magazine) and Intermediair (a Netherlandic Dutch job ad… read more
Zhang, Weiwei, Dirk Speelman and Dirk Geeraerts 2015 Cross-linguistic variation in metonymies for PERSON: A Chinese-English contrastive studyReview of Cognitive Linguistics 13:1, pp. 220–256 | Article
This paper investigates metonymies for person in Chinese and English in the framework of Cognitive Linguistics with an emphasis on cross-linguistic variation. Our central goal is to highlight the important role of cultural elements on the use of metonymy. Three main types of cross-linguistic… read more
Anishchanka, Alena V., Dirk Speelman and Dirk Geeraerts 2014 Referential meaning in basic and non-basic color termsColour Studies: A broad spectrum, Anderson, Wendy, Carole P. Biggam, Carole Hough and Christian Kay (eds.), pp. 323–338 | Article
The chapter presents a linguistic analysis of the referential meanings in the semasiological structure of basic and non-basic color terms in a specific usage situation such as marketing. Although most linguistic studies share the assumption about the central role of the reference-related aspects in… read more
Levshina, Natalia, Dirk Geeraerts and Dirk Speelman 2014 Dutch causative constructions: Quantification of meaning and meaning of quantificationCorpus Methods for Semantics: Quantitative studies in polysemy and synonymy, Glynn, Dylan and Justyna A. Robinson (eds.), pp. 205–221 | Article
This chapter is a multivariate corpus-based study of two near-synonymous periphrastic causatives with doen and laten in Dutch. Using multiple logistic regression and classification trees, the study explores the conceptual differences between the constructions. The results support the existing… read more
As repositories of spontaneously realized language, corpora generally have an uncontrolled and unbalanced structure where all variables operate simultaneously. Consequently, a variable’s real effect can be concealed when studied in isolation because of the exclusion of the impact of other… read more
Zenner, Eline, Dirk Speelman and Dirk Geeraerts 2014 Core vocabulary, borrowability and entrenchment: A usage-based onomasiological approachDiachronica 31:1, pp. 74–105 | Article
It is often claimed in contact linguistics that core vocabulary is highly resistant to borrowing. If we want to test that claim in a quantitative way, we need both a quantitative measure of coreness and a method for quantifying borrowability. We suggest here a usage-based operationalization of… read more
Geeraerts, Dirk and Yves Peirsman 2011 Zones, facets, and prototype-based metonymyDefining Metonymy in Cognitive Linguistics: Towards a consensus view, Benczes, Réka, Antonio Barcelona and Francisco José Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez (eds.), pp. 89–102 | Article
This chapter investigates the relationship between metonymy and two related semantic phenomena: profile/zone discrepancy and facetization. Both of these phenomena aim to explain linguistic examples that activate only a specific zone or facet of the entity referred to. However, their precise… read more
Zhang, Weiwei, Dirk Speelman and Dirk Geeraerts 2011 Variation in the (non)metonymic capital names in Mainland Chinese and Taiwan ChineseMetaphor and the Social World 1:1, pp. 90–112 | Article
This paper examines the (non)metonymic usage of capital names in news articles from Mainland Chinese and Taiwan Chinese and shows that this phenomenon is actually more complex than might have been expected. We annotated capital names extracted from a self-built news corpus with insights from… read more
This paper compares two measures that quantify lexical preference patterns in the area of Construction Grammar, namely, collostructions and (construction-internal) collocations (as conceived by Stefan Th. Gries and Anatol Stefanowitsch). Starting from a case study, inflectional variation in Dutch… read more
Plevoets, Koen, Dirk Speelman and Dirk Geeraerts 2008 The distribution of T/V pronouns in Netherlandic and Belgian DutchVariational Pragmatics: A focus on regional varieties in pluricentric languages, Schneider, Klaus P. and Anne Barron (eds.), pp. 181–209 | Article
Szelid, Veronika and Dirk Geeraerts 2008 Usage-based dialectology: Emotion concepts in the Southern Csango dialectAnnual Review of Cognitive Linguistics: Volume 6, Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez, Francisco José (ed.), pp. 23–49 | Article
Applying concepts of Cognitive Linguistics to dialectological data of a traditional kind, the present paper addresses the question whether differences of culture and conceptualization could be detected language-internally, not just across languages. At the same time, it shows that the traditional… read more
This paper reports on a quantitative corpus-based study of the impact of a postverbal constituent (PVC) on the choice of word order in Dutch written clause final verb clusters consisting of a participle and an auxiliary verb. The study verifies the results of previous research by analyzing the… read more
Grondelaers, Stef, Dirk Geeraerts and Dirk Speelman 2007 A case for a cognitive corpus linguisticsMethods in Cognitive Linguistics, Gonzalez-Marquez, Monica, Irene Mittelberg, Seana Coulson and Michael J. Spivey (eds.), pp. 149–169 | Article
Geeraerts, Dirk 2003 2.2 Meaning and definitionA Practical Guide to Lexicography, Sterkenburg, Piet van (ed.), pp. 83–93 | Chapter
Geeraerts, Dirk 2000 Salience phenomena in the lexicon: A typologyMeaning and Cognition: A multidisciplinary approach, Albertazzi, Liliana (ed.), pp. 79–101 | Chapter
As essentially an analysis of the various types of salience, this essay develops an original notion of structure as constituted by the interplay between the semantic and the pragmatic perspectives. The distinction drawn by the author between semasiology and onomasiology clarifies the difference… read more
Geeraerts, Dirk and Stef Grondelaers 1999 Purism and Fashion: French Influence on Belgian and Netherlandic DutchVariation in (Sub)standard language, Belemans, Rob and Reinhild Vandekerckhove (eds.), pp. 53–67 | Article
Geeraerts, Dirk 1998 The semantic structure of the indirect object in DutchThe Dative: Volume 2: Theoretical and contrastive studies, Van Langendonck, Willy and William Van Belle (eds.), pp. 185–210 | Article
Geeraerts, Dirk 1995 Lexical field analysisHandbook of Pragmatics: Manual, Verschueren, Jef, Jan-Ola Östman and Jan Blommaert † (eds.), pp. 343–346 | Article
Geeraerts, Dirk 1995 Cognitive linguisticsHandbook of Pragmatics: Manual, Verschueren, Jef, Jan-Ola Östman and Jan Blommaert † (eds.), pp. 111–116 | Article
Geeraerts, Dirk 1993 Generalised Onomasiological SaliencePerspectives on Language and Conceptualization, Nuyts, Jan and Eric Pederson (eds.), pp. 43–56 | Article
Geeraerts, Dirk 1990 Homonymy, Iconicity, and PrototypicalityDiachronic Semantics, Geeraerts, Dirk (ed.), pp. 49–74 | Article
Geeraerts, Dirk 1990 IntroductionDiachronic Semantics, Geeraerts, Dirk (ed.), pp. 7–8 | Miscellaneous
Geeraerts, Dirk 1988 Cognitive grammar and the history of lexical semanticsTopics in Cognitive Linguistics, Rudzka-Ostyn, Brygida (ed.), pp. 647–678 | Article
Geeraerts, Dirk 1988 Where does prototypicality come from?Topics in Cognitive Linguistics, Rudzka-Ostyn, Brygida (ed.), pp. 207–230 | Article
Geeraerts, Dirk 1987 Types of Semantic Information in DictionariesA Spectrum of Lexicography, Ilson, Robert F. (ed.), pp. 11–10 | Article
Geeraerts, Dirk 1986 Functional Explanations in Diachronic SemanticsFunctional Explanations in Linguistics, Bossuyt, Alain (ed.), pp. 67–93 | Article