Edmund T. Rolls

List of John Benjamins publications for which Edmund T. Rolls plays a role.


Rolls, Edmund T. 2010 Noise in the brain, decision-making, determinism, free will, and consciousnessNew Horizons in the Neuroscience of Consciousness, Perry, Elaine K., Daniel Collerton, Fiona E.N. LeBeau and Heather Ashton (eds.), pp. 113–120 | Article
Noise caused by randomness in the spiking times of neurons in the brain has a number of advantages, including contributing to probabilistic decision-making. However, noise results in the brain operating effectively as a non-deterministic system, which has implications for free will. Noise also… read more
Rolls, Edmund T. 2004 7. A higher order syntactic thought (HOST) theory of consciousnessHigher-Order Theories of Consciousness: An Anthology, Gennaro, Rocco J. (ed.), pp. 137–172 | Article