Dany Amiot

List of John Benjamins publications for which Dany Amiot plays a role.


Morphology and its interfaces: Syntax, semantics and the lexicon

Edited by Dany Amiot, Delphine Tribout, Natalia Grabar, Cédric Patin and Fayssal Tayalati

Special issue of Lingvisticæ Investigationes 37:2 (2014) vi, 168 pp.
Subjects Computational & corpus linguistics | Generative linguistics | Lexicography | Romance linguistics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics
Stosic, Dejan and Dany Amiot 2019 Motion verbs and evaluative morphologyThe Semantics of Dynamic Space in French: Descriptive, experimental and formal studies on motion expression, Aurnague, Michel and Dejan Stosic (eds.), pp. 179–215 | Chapter
This chapter addresses the issue of the interaction between evaluative morphology and the semantics of dynamic space in French by exploring the possibilities of constructing evaluative verbs from motion verbs. Previous research has suggested that motion verbs are relatively reluctant to serve as… read more
Amiot, Dany, Delphine Tribout, Natalia Grabar, Cédric Patin and Fayssal Tayalati 2014 IntroductionMorphology and its interfaces: Syntax, semantics and the lexicon, Amiot, Dany, Delphine Tribout, Natalia Grabar, Cédric Patin and Fayssal Tayalati (eds.), pp. 185–193 | Article
Amiot, Dany 2005 Between Compounding and Derivation: Elements of Word Formation Corresponding to PrepositionsMorphology and its demarcations: Selected papers from the 11th Morphology meeting, Vienna, February 2004, Dressler, Wolfgang U., Dieter Kastovsky, Oskar E. Pfeiffer and Franz Rainer (eds.), pp. 183–195 | Article
Amiot, Dany et Walter De Mulder 2003 De l’adverbe au préfixe en passant par la préposition: un phénomène de grammaticalisation?Grammaticalisation: Le cas des prépositions locatives, Goyens, Michèle et Walter De Mulder (dir.), pp. 247–273 | Article
Summary The aim of this article is to study the relationship between certain adverbs, prepositions, prefixes and conjunctions of subordination in French. A distinction is made between two classes of morphemes. The first one includes prefixes and ‘governed’ prepositions (which introduce arguments of… read more