This chapter deals with Textual Terminology, an approach that emerged in the early 1990s along with other approaches presented in this book. One of its main characteristics is that it arose from an encounter between related disciplines that focused on the use of text mining (Natural Language… read more
In this chapter, we examine the possibility of analyzing diastratic variation in the context of specialized discourse. In order to do so, we first show that diastratic variation is still in need of a clear definition when applied to specialized languages. We then present the results obtained from… read more
This chapter presents a corpus-based methodology to observe the dynamics of terminology in short-term diachrony. This study responds to a request from the French national space agency and illustrates how a practical context offers new perspectives on the diachronic dimension in terminology. The… read more
This article presents a first description and a proposal for the classification of the evolution phenomena involved in short-term diachrony in the field of space. It is based on the principles of Textual Terminology and relies on a tool-based analysis of two diachronic corpora. The linguistic… read more