Christopher Pudlinski

List of John Benjamins publications for which Christopher Pudlinski plays a role.


Pudlinski, Christopher 2012 Chapter 11. The pursuit of advice on US peer telephone helplines: Sequential and functional aspectsAdvice in Discourse, Limberg, Holger and Miriam A. Locher (eds.), pp. 233–252 | Chapter
Building upon previous published work on advice giving and receiving in this same setting, this empirical paper uses conversation analysis to describe methods used to pursue one’s advice after its initial rejection. Thirty-two instances of pursuing advice were found within 188 individual instances… read more
Pudlinski, Christopher 2005 The mitigation of advice: Interactional dilemmas of peers on a telephone support serviceCalling for Help: Language and social interaction in telephone helplines, Baker, Carolyn, Michael Emmison and Alan Firth (eds.), pp. 109–131 | Article