Tue Trinh
List of John Benjamins publications for which Tue Trinh plays a role.
Subjects Austro-Asian languages | Theoretical linguistics
Aldholmi, Yahya, Hamid Ouali and Tue Trinh 2019
On complex adjectival phrases in Standard Arabic Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics XXX: Papers from the annual symposia on Arabic Linguistics, Stony Brook, New York, 2016 and Norman, Oklahoma, 2017, Khalfaoui, Amel and Matthew A. Tucker (eds.), pp. 79–92 | Chapter
In this paper, we present three puzzling observations concerning a class of adjectival constructions in Standard Arabic: (i) pleonastic definiteness, where an instance of definite morphology is semantically transparent, (ii) required resumption, where the absence of a resumptive pronoun leads to… read more
Numerals show an ambiguity between a weak, ‘at least’ meaning and a strong, ‘exactly’ meaning. The Gricean approach takes the weak meaning to be basic and derives the strong meaning as implicature, thus assimilates numerals to other scalar items. The Fregean approach, in contrast, takes the strong… read more