Miriam A. Locher
List of John Benjamins publications for which Miriam A. Locher plays a role.
Book series
Pragmatics and Translation
Edited by Miriam A. Locher, Daria Dayter and Thomas C. Messerli
[Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 337] 2023. vii, 336 pp.
Subjects Discourse studies | Pragmatics | Translation Studies
Narrative Matters in Medical Contexts across Disciplines
Edited by Franziska Gygax and Miriam A. Locher
[Studies in Narrative, 20] 2015. vii, 217 pp.
Subjects Communication Studies | Discourse studies | Narrative Studies | Pragmatics | Theoretical literature & literary studies
Relational work in Facebook and discussion boards/fora
Edited by Miriam A. Locher, Brook Bolander and Nicole Höhn
Special issue of Pragmatics 25:1 (2015) 122 pp.
Subjects Discourse studies | Pragmatics
Advice in Discourse
Edited by Holger Limberg and Miriam A. Locher
[Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 221] 2012. ix, 376 pp.
Subjects Discourse studies | Pragmatics
Advice Online: Advice-giving in an American Internet health column
Miriam A. Locher
[Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 149] 2006. xvi, 277 pp.
Subjects Communication Studies | Discourse studies | English linguistics | Germanic linguistics | Pragmatics
Chapter 1. Interpreting, translating, transferring: Introducing the collection Pragmatics and Translation Pragmatics and Translation, Locher, Miriam A., Daria Dayter and Thomas C. Messerli (eds.), pp. 1–28 | Chapter
2023 This introduction positions the themes of the collection within the field of pragmatics and translation studies. It outlines the breadth of the field from interpreting to sensory translation and discusses novel papers in four different parts. In the first three parts, translation is defined as… read more
Chapter 10. Contrastive analysis of English fan and professional subtitles of Korean TV drama Pragmatics and Translation, Locher, Miriam A., Daria Dayter and Thomas C. Messerli (eds.), pp. 221–248 | Chapter
2023 We compare fan subtitles and subtitles produced by professionals in order to detect what concepts each of them foreground, and how they differ in register and in translation strategy. Differences are systematically explored with the help of corpus-assisted discourse analysis to contrast two sets… read more
Chapter 8. The interpersonal effects of complimenting others and self-praise in online health settings Complimenting Behavior and (Self-)Praise across Social Media: New contexts and new insights, Placencia, María Elena and Zohreh R. Eslami (eds.), pp. 189–212 | Chapter
2020 This article investigates the pragmatic functions of complimenting and self-praise in two UK social media forums about smoking cessation, and responses to these speech acts. We compare these insights with other related e-health contexts (advice column, anti-smoking websites). Adopting an… read more
“Peter is a dumb nut”: Status updates and reactions to them as ‘acts of positioning’ in Facebook Relational work in Facebook and discussion boards/fora, Locher, Miriam A., Brook Bolander and Nicole Höhn (eds.), pp. 99–122 | Article
2015 This paper applies the theoretical concept of ‘acts of positioning’ (Davis & Harré 1990) to a qualitative and quantitative analysis of 474 status updates (SUs) taken from the Facebook Walls of twenty individuals living in Switzerland and the UK. Our aim is to analyze how individuals construct… read more
Introduction to narrative matters in medical contexts across disciplines Narrative Matters in Medical Contexts across Disciplines, Gygax, Franziska and Miriam A. Locher (eds.), pp. 1–14 | Article
2015 This chapter introduces the collection on Narrative Matters across Disciplines in Medical Contexts and positions the interdisciplinary research subject. The chapter discusses the importance of narrative practices and supports the claim that ‘narrative’ should be given a central position within the… read more
Humour in microblogging: Exploiting linguistic humour strategies for identity construction in two Facebook focus groups Participation in Public and Social Media Interactions, Dynel, Marta and Jan Chovanec (eds.), pp. 135–155 | Article
2015 Research within interpersonal pragmatics highlights the relational aspect of
language in use (Locher and Graham 2010). While this focus has especially
been dealt with in politeness research, it can also be fruitfully combined with
the study of identity construction through language (see Locher… read more
Introducing relational work in Facebook and discussion boards Relational work in Facebook and discussion boards/fora, Locher, Miriam A., Brook Bolander and Nicole Höhn (eds.), pp. 1–21 | Article
2015 This paper functions as the introduction to the special issue on ‘relational work in Facebook and discussion boards’. We position our research endeavors within interpersonal pragmatics (see Locher and Graham 2010), by reviewing literature on politeness, impoliteness and relational work in the… read more
A genre analysis of reflective writing texts by English medical students: What role does narrative play? Narrative Matters in Medical Contexts across Disciplines, Gygax, Franziska and Miriam A. Locher (eds.), pp. 141–164 | Article
2015 This chapter reports on the study of reflective writing texts by English medical students on a memorable encounter with a patient. The texts offer crucial information on the ways in which future doctors interpret a patient’s narrative and reflect their own situation. Drawing on genre analysis and… read more
Chapter 1. Introduction to advice in discourse Advice in Discourse, Limberg, Holger and Miriam A. Locher (eds.), pp. 1–28 | Chapter