Yvette Coyle
List of John Benjamins publications for which Yvette Coyle plays a role.
Chapter 14. Setting up a coding scheme for the analysis of the dynamics of children’s engagement with written corrective feedback: Triangulating data sources Research Methods in the Study of L2 Writing Processes, Manchón, Rosa M. and Julio Roca de Larios (eds.), pp. 292–314 | Chapter
2023 This chapter describes the development of a coding scheme for the analysis of young English as a foreign language learners’ engagement with model texts. After outlining the theoretical rationale underlying our analytical procedure, and the methodological problems we experienced when attempting to… read more
Chapter 3. Overview of methodological procedures in research on written corrective feedback processing Research Methods in the Study of L2 Writing Processes, Manchón, Rosa M. and Julio Roca de Larios (eds.), pp. 60–81 | Chapter
2023 This chapter offers a critical overview of the methods used in research on written corrective feedback processing. Broadly framed within interventionist and non-interventionist strands of research on the grounds of whether or not feedback and other task or participant-related variables are… read more
A theoretically-grounded classification of EFL children’s formulation strategies in collaborative writing Research on EFL learning by young children in Spain, García Mayo, María del Pilar (ed.), pp. 300–336 | Article
2021 Research into collaborative writing (CW) has drawn on the notion of “languaging”, operationalized as language-related episodes (LREs), to account for the way learners pool their ideational and linguistic resources, give and receive immediate feedback on language and, as a result, deepen their… read more