Alexandra Gubina
List of John Benjamins publications for which Alexandra Gubina plays a role.
Chapter 5. Structurally ‘incomplete’ social action formats in the grammar of talk-in-interaction? The case of deontic infinitives in spoken German Grammar in Action: Building comprehensive grammars of talk-in-interaction, Steensig, Jakob, Maria Jørgensen, Jan K. Lindström, Nicholas Mikkelsen, Karita Suomalainen and Søren Sandager Sørensen (eds.), pp. 117–156 | Chapter
2025 The chapter focuses on deontic infinitives, i.e., free infinitives not governed by a matrix clause or an auxiliary; such clauses have not been treated in German reference grammars because they are considered syntactically incomplete. This chapter shows that in contrast to similar practices for… read more
What to do next: Should I and ((Do) you) want me to in joint activities in American English New Perspectives in Interactional Linguistic Research, Selting, Margret and Dagmar Barth-Weingarten (eds.), pp. 20–48 | Chapter
2024 The starting point of most prior research on action formation and ascription is either a social action or a linguistic form. In contrast, our study will demonstrate analytic and methodological implications and cross-linguistic perspectives for Interactional Linguistics research of starting with… read more
Positionally-sensitive action-ascription: Uses of Kannst du X? ‘Can you X?’ in their sequential and multimodal context Interactional Linguistics 1:2, pp. 183–215 | Article
2021 Schegloff (1996) has argued that grammars are “positionally-sensitive”, implying that the situated use and understanding of linguistic formats depends on their sequential position. Analyzing the German format Kannst du X? (corresponding to English Can you X?) based on 82 instances from a large… read more