René Venegas

List of John Benjamins publications for which René Venegas plays a role.

El estudio de los géneros discursivos académicos ha recibido una especial atención en la última década. No obstante, los estudios sobre el género tesis de licenciatura son escasos, especialmente desde la perspectiva léxico-gramatical. Nuestro objetivo es describir léxico-gramaticalmente cada… read more
Parodi, Giovanni †, Romualdo Ibáñez O. and René Venegas 2010 Chapter 3. Discourse genres in the PUCV-2006 Academic and Professional Corpus of Spanish: Criteria, definitions, and examplesAcademic and Professional Discourse Genres in Spanish, Parodi, Giovanni † (ed.), pp. 37–63 | Article
The identification and the classification of discourse genres have been one of the important concerns in linguistics studies. Particularly, since genres are analysed as complex objects and multi-dimensional approaches have been employed in order to capture their dynamic nature, more precise… read more
Venegas, René 2010 Chapter 7. Automatic text classification of disciplinary textsAcademic and Professional Discourse Genres in Spanish, Parodi, Giovanni † (ed.), pp. 121–141 | Article
The aim of this research is to classify, using and comparing two automatic classification methods, the academic texts included in the PUCV-2006 Corpus of Spanish. The methods are based on shared lexical-semantic content words present in the corpus of academic texts. The classification methods… read more
Recent studies on Spanish oriented to describe specialised and multi-register corpora have been carried out using diverse corpus methodologies, such as multi-dimensional analysis. This chapter presents two studies based on the written academic PUCV-2006 Corpus of Spanish. Both employ the five… read more