Bridget L. Jankowski

List of John Benjamins publications for which Bridget L. Jankowski plays a role.

Jankowski, Bridget L. and Sali A. Tagliamonte 2022 He come out and give me a beer but he never seen the bear: Vernacular preterites in Ontario dialectsEnglish World-Wide 43:3, pp. 267–296 | Article
In this study, we examine variation in English strong verb preterite/participle morphology in four frequent verbs: came/come, saw/seen, gave/give and did/done, using data from more than a dozen Ontario communities, socially stratified by age, sex, occupation and education, representing a… read more
Jankowski, Bridget L. and Sali A. Tagliamonte 2021 Urban-rural dimensions to variable -body/-one : The case of Ontario, CanadaUrban Matters: Current approaches in variationist sociolinguistics, Ziegler, Arne, Stefanie Edler and Georg Oberdorfer (eds.), pp. 141–158 | Chapter
English pronominal quantifier doublets (some/any/every/no- + -body/-one) have been variable since Middle English. Previous research (D’Arcy et al. 2013; see also Biber et al. 1999) shows varying patterns of -body and -one by region and quantifier, with an overall slow progression toward -one and… read more
Jankowski, Bridget L. and Sali A. Tagliamonte 2019 Supper or dinner? Sociolinguistic variation in the meals of the dayEnglish World-Wide 40:2, pp. 170–201 | Article
The English words for daily meals constitute a complex lexical variable conditioned by social and linguistic factors. Comparative sociolinguistic analysis of 884 speakers from more than a dozen locations in Ontario, Canada reveals a synchronic system with social correlates that are reflexes of… read more
Jankowski, Bridget L. and Sali A. Tagliamonte 2017 A lost Canadian dialect: The Ottawa Valley 1975–2013Exploring Future Paths for Historical Sociolinguistics, Säily, Tanja, Arja Nurmi, Minna Palander-Collin and Anita Auer (eds.), pp. 239–274 | Chapter
Ottawa Valley English (OVE), a rural regional dialect enclave in Ontario, Canada, is under threat from social change, including urban sprawl and the encroachment of standard Canadian English. Using a trend study with two samples collected 30–35 years apart, we conduct a variationist sociolinguistic… read more