This paper investigates constructions in Norwegian and German with an expletive pronoun in subject position, and for Norwegian also in object position. The discussion covers presentational, impersonal and extrapositional constructions in both languages, and in Norwegian also the ‘light reflexive’… read more
In this article we discuss bare infinitive constructions in German and Norwegian, presenting research conducted as part of a comparative valence project. The project approaches valency from a construction oriented perspective, and combines the creation of Open Access monolingual… read more
The paper discusses some possible interpretations of the notion ‘argument sharing’ in the analysis of Oriya serial verb constructions (SVCs). The paper in particular addresses the notion of ‘token-sharing’. We argue that the concept of token-sharing, although, due to its rigour, theoretically the… read more
Riemsdijk, Henk van, Dorothee Beermann and David LeBlanc 1997 PrefaceRightward Movement, Beermann, Dorothee, David LeBlanc and Henk van Riemsdijk (eds.), pp. 1–6 | Preface