Riho Grünthal
List of John Benjamins publications for which Riho Grünthal plays a role.
Diachronic bottlenecks of the Uralic (ablative-)partitive Partitives cross-linguistically: Dimensions of variation, Luraghi, Silvia and Petra Sleeman (eds.), pp. 124–156 | Article
2023 This article discusses the emergence of the partitive case in the three western-most branches of the Uralic language family, which are Saamic and Finnic in North Europe, and Mordvinic in Central Russia. The Finnic languages represent the outer edge of development in the partitive from an earlier… read more
Drastic demographic events triggered the Uralic spread Diachronica 39:4, pp. 490–524 | Article
2022 The widespread Uralic family offers several advantages for tracing prehistory: a firm absolute chronological anchor point in an ancient contact episode with well-dated Indo-Iranian; other points of intersection or diagnostic non-intersection with early Indo-European (the Late… read more
Chapter 6. The essive in Veps Uralic Essive and the Expression of Impermanent State, Groot, Casper de (ed.), pp. 131–159 | Chapter
2017 This chapter presents an empirical study of the distribution of a marker referred to as the ‘essive’ in Veps. The description of the properties of this marker follows the linguistic questionnaire that captures the contexts in which essive and/or translative markers may occur in the Uralic languages. read more
Morphological Change and the Influence of Language
Contacts in Estonian Beiträge zur Morphologie: Germanisch, Baltisch, Ostseefinnisch, Fix, Hans (Hrsg.), pp. 403–432 | Article
2007 Contacts in Estonian Beiträge zur Morphologie: Germanisch, Baltisch, Ostseefinnisch, Fix, Hans (Hrsg.), pp. 403–432 | Article