John Gibbons

List of John Benjamins publications for which John Gibbons plays a role.

Dimensions of Forensic Linguistics

Edited by John Gibbons and M. Teresa Turell

[AILA Applied Linguistics Series, 5] 2008. vi, 316 pp.
Subjects Applied linguistics | Discourse studies | Forensic & legal linguistics | Pragmatics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology
Subjects Language acquisition | Psycholinguistics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology
Subjects Language acquisition | Psycholinguistics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology
Subjects Language acquisition | Psycholinguistics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology
Leung, Ester S.M. and John Gibbons 2011 Interpreting Cantonese utterance-final particles in bilingual courtroom discourseInterpreting Chinese, Interpreting China, Setton, Robin (ed.), pp. 81–105 | Article
Leung, Ester S.M. and John Gibbons 2009 Interpreting Cantonese utterance-final particles in bilingual courtroom discourseChina and Chinese, Setton, Robin (ed.), pp. 190–215 | Article
This paper examines an unusual feature of spoken Cantonese — the utterance-final particle — to see how it is deployed and rendered by interpreters in courtroom discourse. The data is based on five rape trials heard in the Hong Kong courtrooms. It is a known fact that different participants in the… read more
Gibbons, John 2008 Questioning in common law criminal courtsDimensions of Forensic Linguistics, Gibbons, John and M. Teresa Turell (eds.), pp. 115–130 | Article
Questions in everyday discourse consist of a situated exchange in which the questioner and answerer are in a roughly symmetrical relationship in which each is entitled to request information from the other. Questioners typically do not have the information that they are requesting. The answerer is… read more
One well documented aspect of politeness is that speakers, when making requests, often try to avoid the appearance of imposing on the other person. There is some evidence that the degree of politeness is affected by socio-demographic variables such as age, sex and SES. This paper is a small scale… read more
Gibbons, John and M. Teresa Turell 2008 IntroductionDimensions of Forensic Linguistics, Gibbons, John and M. Teresa Turell (eds.), pp. 1–4 | Miscellaneous
Gibbons, John 1999 Register Aspects of Literacy in SpanishWritten Language & Literacy 2:1, pp. 63–88 | Article
Spanish academic register is here explored in terms of M. A. K. Halliday's concepts of Mode, Field, and Tenor. It is found that striking differences between everyday Spanish and academic Spanish are related to the intrinsic nature of literacy and to academic uses of language. Important aspects of… read more
The prevailing pattern of second language instruction in NSW schools is one in which the available time is distributed across several languages (a ‘breadth’ approach). With the impending introduction of second languages into many primary schools, a window of opportunity has opened: if all the… read more
Bettoni, Camilla and John Gibbons 1987 Italian speakers in Australia: Creative in practice but traditional in attitudesItalian in Australia: Applied linguistics, Bettoni, Camilla (ed.), pp. 66–80 | Article
Gibbons, John 1986 Courtroom application of second language acquisition researchVolume 3, McNamara, Tim F. (ed.), pp. 131–133 | Article