Vincenzo Nicolò Di Caro

List of John Benjamins publications for which Vincenzo Nicolò Di Caro plays a role.


Pseudo-Coordination and Multiple Agreement Constructions

Edited by Giuliana Giusti, Vincenzo Nicolò Di Caro and Daniel Ross

[Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 274] 2022. vii, 342 pp.
Subjects Generative linguistics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics
Di Caro, Vincenzo Nicolò 2022 Chapter 4. Preterite indicative Pseudo-Coordination and morphomic patterns: The case of the W-Pattern in the dialect of DeliaPseudo-Coordination and Multiple Agreement Constructions, Giusti, Giuliana, Vincenzo Nicolò Di Caro and Daniel Ross (eds.), pp. 99–128 | Chapter
This paper discusses the paradigmatic configuration (or ‘morphome’; Aronoff 1994) that Pseudo-Coordination (V1[TAM.Agr] a V2[TAM.Agr], as in Jivu a ffici la spisa. ‘I went and did the shopping.’) displays in the preterite indicative in Deliano: i.e. the ‘W-Pattern’ (Di Caro 2019a; Di… read more
Giusti, Giuliana, Vincenzo Nicolò Di Caro and Daniel Ross 2022 Chapter 1. Pseudo-Coordination and Multiple Agreement Constructions: An overviewPseudo-Coordination and Multiple Agreement Constructions, Giusti, Giuliana, Vincenzo Nicolò Di Caro and Daniel Ross (eds.), pp. 1–32 | Chapter
This introductory chapter provides background on the phenomena of Pseudo-Coordination (PseCo) and Multiple Agreement Constructions (MACs) with the aim of familiarizing readers with major trends in previous research on these varied phenomena. Common structural and functional properties used to… read more
Di Caro, Vincenzo Nicolò 2019 The Inflected Construction in the dialects of Sicily: Parameters of microvariationItalian Dialectology at the Interfaces, Cruschina, Silvio, Adam Ledgeway and Eva-Maria Remberger (eds.), pp. 63–78 | Chapter
Sicilian dialects display an instance of verbal Pseudo-Coordination (V1[TAM.Agr] a V2[TAM.Agr]), here referred to as the Inflected Construction or IC (cf. Cardinaletti and Giusti 2001, 2003), that can occur in very different configurations. Aim of this paper is to discuss the following parameters… read more
This paper provides an overview of the different dimensions of variation found in the Inflected Construction (IC) (cf. Cardinaletti and Giusti 2001, 2003) arising with motion verbs in most Sicilian dialects. It does so by discussing data from the dialect of Delia (Caltanissetta) at face value with… read more