J.P.G. Ickenroth

List of John Benjamins publications for which J.P.G. Ickenroth plays a role.


Deering, Joke, J.P.G. Ickenroth en L.J.A. Nienhuis 1986 Leessnelheid Bij Verschillende Leestaken in Moedertaal en Vreemde TaalTaalonderwijs aan gevorderden, pp. 47–60 | Article
In this research a comparison was made of reading speed in mother tongue (Dutch) and foreign language (French). Subjects were two groups of Dutch university students in the 3rd or 4th year of their study: students of French language and literature (advanced group), and students of history and Dutch… read more
The article contains some preliminary data of a contrastive study of prosodic phenomena in Dutch and French, and some ideas about implementa-tion of findings in the teaching of French to Dutch learners. First the durational aspects are considered of Dutch as a "stress-timed" language and of French… read more
Dans cette contribution, l'auteur traite 2 questions fondamentales concernant le développement des objectifs successifs de l'enseignement d'une langue étrangère dans le cadre de l'éducation générale et de la formation culturelle. 1. Il est exptiqué pourquoi la démarche qui consiste à définir un… read more