Jason Schneider

List of John Benjamins publications for which Jason Schneider plays a role.


Qualitative Research on Language Learning Strategies and Self-Regulation

Edited by Nathan Thomas, Jason Schneider and Sihan Zhou

Special issue of AILA Review 37:2 (2024) vi, 264 pp.


Thomas, Nathan, Jason Schneider and Sihan Zhou 2024 Qualitative research on language learning strategies and self-regulationQualitative Research on Language Learning Strategies and Self-Regulation, Thomas, Nathan, Jason Schneider and Sihan Zhou (eds.), pp. 177–187 | Introduction
Scholarship on language learning strategies has evolved from small-scale, practitioner-oriented studies to predominantly large-scale, questionnaire-driven research. This general shift has been instrumental in contributing to the field’s increased popularity. Robust quantitative studies are… read more