Daniel Gile

List of John Benjamins publications for which Daniel Gile plays a role.

Book series


Why Translation Studies Matters

Edited by Daniel Gile, Gyde Hansen and Nike K. Pokorn

[Benjamins Translation Library, 88] 2010. xi, 269 pp.
Subjects Interpreting | Translation Studies
Subjects Cognition and language | Interpreting | Translation Studies
Subjects Translation Studies

Getting Started in Interpreting Research: Methodological reflections, personal accounts and advice for beginners

Edited by Daniel Gile, Helle V. Dam, Friedel Dubslaff, Bodil Martinsen and Anne Schjoldager

[Benjamins Translation Library, 33] 2001. xiv, 255 pp.
Subjects Interpreting
Subjects Interpreting

Interpreting Research

Edited by Daniel Gile

Special issue of Target 7:1 (1995) 190 pp.
Subjects Interpreting
Swabey, Laurie, Brenda Nicodemus, Marty M. Taylor and Daniel Gile 2016 Lexical decisions and related cognitive issues in spoken and signed language interpreting: A case study of Obama’s inaugural addressInterpreting 18:1, pp. 34–56 | Article
This study examined omissions, errors, and variability in lexical selection across simultaneous interpretations of President Obama’s 2009 inaugural address, in three spoken languages (French, German, Japanese) and in American Sign Language (ASL). Microanalysis of how information conveyed by 39… read more
Chevalier, Lucille and Daniel Gile 2015 Interpreting Quality: A Case Study of Spontaneous ReactionsFORUM 13:1, pp. 1–26 | Article
Abstract/Résumé Les réactions spontanées de 22 informateurs à des enregistrements d’interprétations en direct du discours inaugural du président Obama vers le français ont été recueillies, étudiées et comparées. Les évaluations font apparaître une grande variabilité interindividuelle dans les… read more
Ferreira, Aline, John W. Schwieter and Daniel Gile 2015 The position of psycholinguistic and cognitive science in translation and interpreting: An introductionPsycholinguistic and Cognitive Inquiries into Translation and Interpreting, Ferreira, Aline and John W. Schwieter (eds.), pp. 3–16 | Article
Research in conference interpreting started with exploratory experiments by psychologists, but interpreting practitioners soon took over, excluding their theories and methods and replacing them with intuition and introspection-based inferences from observation. In the 1990s, cognitive science… read more
The author reviews ideas, projects and actions generated and implemented within and with EST over the past twenty years. He concludes in his analysis that predictors of success or failure for EST operations are individual motivation, organization with specific duties and institutional weight. He… read more
Gile, Daniel 2013 Scientificity and theory in Translation StudiesHandbook of Translation Studies: Volume 4, Gambier, Yves and Luc van Doorslaer (eds.), pp. 148–155 | Article
Gile, Daniel 2012 Institutionalization of Translation StudiesHandbook of Translation Studies: Volume 3, Gambier, Yves and Luc van Doorslaer (eds.), pp. 73–80 | Article
Recordings and transcripts of simultaneous interpretation outputs of President Obama’s inaugural speech as broadcast by TV stations in French, German and Japanese were scrutinized and analyzed for errors, omissions and infelicities in an investigation of cognitive saturation and language-pair… read more
Gile, Daniel 2010 Why Translation Studies matters: A pragmatist’s viewpointWhy Translation Studies Matters, Gile, Daniel, Gyde Hansen and Nike K. Pokorn (eds.), pp. 251–262 | Article
Translation Studies is challenged by Translation practitioners because of its alleged irrelevance and ineffectiveness. While it is difficult to quantify its ‘scientific’ contribution, it offers a non-negligible amount of research into relevant topics and has definitely influenced Translator… read more
Abstract/Résumé La recherche sur les limites de la simultanée dues à la charge cognitive gagne à être menéepar la voie d’analyses locales. Localement, la charge cognitive importée d’un segment dontle traitement n’est pas terminé peut déterminer la difficulté d’interprétation du segment encours de… read more
Gile, Daniel 2007 Dorothy, Kelly. 2005. A handbook for translator trainersTarget 19:1, pp. 164–169 | Review
Gile, Daniel 2005 Citation Patterns in the T&I Didactics LiteratureFORUM 3:2, pp. 85–103 | Article
Abstract/Résumé Les citations dans 47 articles sur la formation des interprètes et traducteurs parus dans des volumes collectifs récents ont été analysées. Peu d’études empiriques étaient concernées dans l’échantillon sur la formation des interprètes, et quasiment aucune n’était citée dans… read more
Gile, Daniel 2004 Hatim, Basil. 2001. Teaching and researching translationTarget 16:1, pp. 172–176 | Review
Gile, Daniel and Gyde Hansen 2004 The editorial process through the looking glassClaims, Changes and Challenges in Translation Studies: Selected contributions from the EST Congress, Copenhagen 2001, Hansen, Gyde, Kirsten Malmkjær and Daniel Gile (eds.), pp. 297–306 | Article
Abstract/Résumé Pour convaincre les étudiants de l’intérêt de la déverbalisation, il importe de les sensibiliser au préalable au fait qu’en traduisant, ils accomplissent une tâche communicationnelle au service d’un client et d’un auteur. Sur cette base de loyauté professionnelle, ils comprennent… read more
Gile, Daniel 2002 Corpus studies and other animalsTarget 14:2, pp. 361–363 | Article
Gile, Daniel 2001 Conclusion: Issues and prospectsGetting Started in Interpreting Research: Methodological reflections, personal accounts and advice for beginners, Gile, Daniel, Helle V. Dam, Friedel Dubslaff, Bodil Martinsen and Anne Schjoldager (eds.), pp. 233–239 | Article
Gile, Daniel 2001 Critical reading in (interpretation) researchGetting Started in Interpreting Research: Methodological reflections, personal accounts and advice for beginners, Gile, Daniel, Helle V. Dam, Friedel Dubslaff, Bodil Martinsen and Anne Schjoldager (eds.), pp. 23–38 | Article
Gile, Daniel 2001 Selecting a topic for PhD research in interpretingGetting Started in Interpreting Research: Methodological reflections, personal accounts and advice for beginners, Gile, Daniel, Helle V. Dam, Friedel Dubslaff, Bodil Martinsen and Anne Schjoldager (eds.), pp. 1–22 | Article
Gile, Daniel, Helle V. Dam and Anne Schjoldager 2001 IntroductionGetting Started in Interpreting Research: Methodological reflections, personal accounts and advice for beginners, Gile, Daniel, Helle V. Dam, Friedel Dubslaff, Bodil Martinsen and Anne Schjoldager (eds.), pp. vii–xiv | Miscellaneous
Gile, Daniel 2000 Searching to Define Expertise in InterpretingLanguage Processing and Simultaneous Interpreting: Interdisciplinary perspectives, Englund Dimitrova, Birgitta and Kenneth Hyltenstam (eds.), pp. 89–106 | Article
Gile, Daniel 2000 Issues in Interdisciplinary Research into Conference InterpretingLanguage Processing and Simultaneous Interpreting: Interdisciplinary perspectives, Englund Dimitrova, Birgitta and Kenneth Hyltenstam (eds.), pp. 89–88 | Article
Quantitative analysis of the literature of conference interpreting research (CIR) highlights interesting features of its historical evolution. Paradigm shifts in the seventies and late eighties have intensified its overall production and are associated with the disappearance of some major… read more
Gile, Daniel 2000 Opportunities in Conference Interpreting ResearchInvestigating Translation: Selected papers from the 4th International Congress on Translation, Barcelona, 1998, Beeby, Allison, Doris Ensinger and Marisa Presas (eds.), pp. 77–89 | Chapter
In conference interpreting research, empirical investigation can be classified as observational or experimental. The former can be used for exploration, analysis and hypothesis-testing, and is either interactive or non-interactive. Besides its conventional role of hypothesis-testing, the latter… read more
Gile, Daniel 1997 MethodologyConference Interpreting: Current trends in research, Gambier, Yves, Daniel Gile and Christopher Taylor (eds.), pp. 109–122 | Article
Gile, Daniel 1997 PostscriptConference Interpreting: Current trends in research, Gambier, Yves, Daniel Gile and Christopher Taylor (eds.), pp. 207–212 | Article
Gile, Daniel, José Lambert and Mary Snell-Hornby 1997 EST focus: report on research training issuesTranslation as Intercultural Communication: Selected papers from the EST Congress, Prague 1995, Snell-Hornby, Mary, Zuzana Jettmarová and Klaus Kaindl (eds.), pp. 339–350 | Article
Gile, Daniel, Yves Gambier and Christopher Taylor 1997 ForewordConference Interpreting: Current trends in research, Gambier, Yves, Daniel Gile and Christopher Taylor (eds.), pp. 1–8 | Foreword
Gile, Daniel 1995 Mirror Mirror on the Wall: An IntroductionInterpreting Research, Gile, Daniel (ed.), pp. 1–6 | Introduction
Gile, Daniel 1995 Fidelity Assessment in Consecutive Interpretation: An ExperimentInterpreting Research, Gile, Daniel (ed.), pp. 151–164 | Article
In a classroom French-to-English consecutive interpretation experiment, both the speaker and the (student) delegates were found to be unreliable fidelity assessors: they did not detect all interpretation errors on the one hand, and imagined errors that had not been made by the interpreter, on the… read more
Gile, Daniel 1995 Pöchhacker, Franz. 1994. Simultandolmetschen als komplexes Handeln.Interpreting Research, Gile, Daniel (ed.), pp. 185–188 | Review
Gile, Daniel 1994 Methodological aspects of interpretation and translation researchBridging the Gap: Empirical research in simultaneous interpretation, Lambert, Sylvie and Barbara Moser-Mercer (eds.), pp. 39–56 | Article
Gile, Daniel 1994 Opening up in interpretation studiesTranslation Studies: An Interdiscipline: Selected papers from the Translation Studies Congress, Vienna, 1992, Snell-Hornby, Mary, Franz Pöchhacker and Klaus Kaindl (eds.), pp. 149–158 | Article
Gile, Daniel 1991 The processing capacity issue in conference interpretationBabel 37:1, pp. 15–27 | Article
Les activités mentales que comporte l'interprétation consomment chacune une partie de la capacité de traitement (CT) disponible chez l'individu. Sous cet angle, la simultanée peut être mo-délisée comme la somme de 3 'Efforts': écoute et analyse, opérations de mémoire à court terme, production du… read more
Very little actual scientific research has been carried out in I/T to date, essentially because of the lack of scientific background among I/T investigators. Major problems are found in the sampling procedures, materials, experimental conditions and tasks, quantification procedures and… read more
La véritable nature du travail en cabine de simultanée est méconnue du public eldes utilisateurs qui ignorent tout de la pathogenèse des incidents d'interprétation. Ceux-ci surviennent à la suite de la rupture d'un équilibre précaire entre l'effort d'écoute et d'analyse, l'effort de production du… read more